Begin here! You can purchase your clairvoyant reading, or a reading with healing.
I will then contact you so we can schedule our phone appointment. You are taking the first step! Feel free to read the page on "what to expect in a reading", and enjoy your tuneup in body/spirit communication!
Please e-mail me here, if you have any other questions, wish to give me your phone number, or wish to purchase a reading for another as a gift, etc. You can leave info when you pay by Paypal. Thanks.
Welcome to Tuesday Meditation/Psychic skills class!
Our beginner class starts February 3rd
Feb 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, March 3rd, and 10th
Free class is Jan 27th Join in and see if you resonate with a class by phone! Contact me here, if you are interested, or have any questions)
This is a 6 week phone class series, from 7-8:30 pm PST.
Expect a wonderful, nourishing, and healing meditation each week, and tools you can keep, and use, in your spirit backpack!
We will learn a new tool every week, and practice using them throughout the week. We will
also become more familiar with the Archangels around us, learn a bit about them,
and work with them, in a safe and loving enviornment. Its amazing what we can
do with these spirit tools, a support system, (both visible and invisible), and
a sense of amusement!
We will learn basic grounding, meditating, owning and protecting your space, and also how to heal from, and
create from, joy, and no effort! The meditation is recorded, and you can listen to it during the week! This is also great if you need to miss a class, you still get the recording. If you complete a 6 week series, you will receive a free 15 minute phone energy/skills check!
For more info about the class topics click here!
After you pay for the class series, I will send you the conference call number by e-mail.
Welcome co-creators!
Our beginner class starts February 3rd
Feb 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, March 3rd, and 10th
Free class is Jan 27th Join in and see if you resonate with a class by phone! Contact me here, if you are interested, or have any questions)
This is a 6 week phone class series, from 7-8:30 pm PST.
Expect a wonderful, nourishing, and healing meditation each week, and tools you can keep, and use, in your spirit backpack!
We will learn a new tool every week, and practice using them throughout the week. We will
also become more familiar with the Archangels around us, learn a bit about them,
and work with them, in a safe and loving enviornment. Its amazing what we can
do with these spirit tools, a support system, (both visible and invisible), and
a sense of amusement!
We will learn basic grounding, meditating, owning and protecting your space, and also how to heal from, and
create from, joy, and no effort! The meditation is recorded, and you can listen to it during the week! This is also great if you need to miss a class, you still get the recording. If you complete a 6 week series, you will receive a free 15 minute phone energy/skills check!
For more info about the class topics click here!
After you pay for the class series, I will send you the conference call number by e-mail.
Welcome co-creators!
Monday Meditation 2/Psychic Skills Teleclass!
7-8:30 pm PST
Dec 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, Jan 5th, 12th
This is our intermediate class, and the basic skills series class is required. We will start the series
"Working with the Archangels"
Learn about the Archangels, and how to work with them for healing, and protection, and setting space.
You will receive certification from these courses upon completion from Spirit in Joy. It's amazing what we can do with tools, a support system, (both visible and invisible), and a sense of amusement!
Dec 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, Jan 5th, 12th
This is our intermediate class, and the basic skills series class is required. We will start the series
"Working with the Archangels"
Learn about the Archangels, and how to work with them for healing, and protection, and setting space.
You will receive certification from these courses upon completion from Spirit in Joy. It's amazing what we can do with tools, a support system, (both visible and invisible), and a sense of amusement!
Our Wednesday Meditation 2/Psychic Skills
phone class starts in January, and is one and a half hour class with likeminded and likespirited co-creators, and is a continuation of our basic Monday class. We explore further these psychic topics, and include many healing, and psychic reading modalities. Meditation basics is reqd here, as we continue on our journey.
4:00-6:30 pm PST This is a 6 week class
January 14th (21st, 28, Feb 4th, 11th, 18th)
Expect a wonderful, nourishing, and healing meditation each week, and tools you can keep, and use, in your spirit backpack!
We will learn a new tool every week, and practice using them throughout the week. We will also become more familiar with the Archangels around us, learn a bit about them, and work with them, in a safe and loving enviornment. Its amazing what we can do with these spirit tools, a support system, (both visible and invisible), and a sense of amusement!
We will learn basic grounding, meditating, owning and protecting your space, and also how to heal from, and create from, joy, and no effort! The meditation is recorded, and you can listen to it during the week! If you complete a 6 week series, you will receive a free 15 minute phone energy/skills check!
For more info about the class topics click here! Free intro class is Jan 7th! Click on the link to register!
After you pay for the class series, I will send you the conference call number by e-mail.
Welcome co-creators!
phone class starts in January, and is one and a half hour class with likeminded and likespirited co-creators, and is a continuation of our basic Monday class. We explore further these psychic topics, and include many healing, and psychic reading modalities. Meditation basics is reqd here, as we continue on our journey.
4:00-6:30 pm PST This is a 6 week class
January 14th (21st, 28, Feb 4th, 11th, 18th)
Expect a wonderful, nourishing, and healing meditation each week, and tools you can keep, and use, in your spirit backpack!
We will learn a new tool every week, and practice using them throughout the week. We will also become more familiar with the Archangels around us, learn a bit about them, and work with them, in a safe and loving enviornment. Its amazing what we can do with these spirit tools, a support system, (both visible and invisible), and a sense of amusement!
We will learn basic grounding, meditating, owning and protecting your space, and also how to heal from, and create from, joy, and no effort! The meditation is recorded, and you can listen to it during the week! If you complete a 6 week series, you will receive a free 15 minute phone energy/skills check!
For more info about the class topics click here! Free intro class is Jan 7th! Click on the link to register!
After you pay for the class series, I will send you the conference call number by e-mail.
Welcome co-creators!
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In this class, we say hello to, and learn about our guide team: our Angels, spirit guides, Teachers, power animals, even aspects of ourselves, so we can co-create our life in peace, synchronicity, and communication. After a short talk, there is a long, deeply healing, and relaxing meditation, where we explore our guide team, and converse with them. This is a powerful meditation, and you will learn about your life in ways that will help you on your path! You get the MP3 to listen to as you need. I recommend keeping a journal for this magical journey!