Go to the links below to learn more about these healing modalities. I also do healing by extraction, and also, healing with spiritual light.
Work can be done in person, or by Zoom, or Skype. I live in Pinole, in the San Francisco East Bay in California, which is PST. You can pay here by PayPal, or, if you need, pay by CC when you call. A Soul Retrieval is done in two, one hour sessions, one week (or so) apart. The Soul retrieval is explained, and done in the first session, and some homework is given. In the second session, we work to release an old outdated belief, that gets in the way of living fully, on your path, with all of you whole, and intact. A new affirmation is birthed, which you will work with many times daily, to reinforce it, and to allow for it to be a strong thought travessing your brain synapse, and helping you. We will also do a Soul Remembering in the second session, working with your Soul Guide, to know and understand your souls purpose, in this lifetime. |
The shamanic work is that of the heart. I teach shamanic journeying skills, and I also do a few types of healing work, including Soul Retrieval, curse unravelling, extraction, and compassionate depossession, or spirit release. For those with journeying skills, and the ability to create sacred space, I also teach more advanced skills, extraction, Soul Retrieval, Death and Dying, and Medicine for the Earth (Healing with Spiritual Light). These were taught to me by Sandra Ingerman, and I have completed her teacher training program (2020) and am teaching a one year program, "Paints with Stars". It is an honor. I am teaching Compassionate Depossession, as taught to me by my teacher, Betsy Bergstrom. I am trained by her to teach, and hold that course yearly. I am on their websites, as referrals, in curse unravel, depossession, soul retrieval, and my classes are on Sandras Teachers webpage. In most shamanic cultures around the world, soul retrieval, extraction, and spirit release are done. As expansive spirits in these beautiful, but sometimes fragile human bodies, trauma, stress, addictions, and sometimes family or genetic predisposition can make us open to other energies, in the form of energetic whacks, thought form saturation, curses, or intrusive beings. These beings can be lost souls, or "Suffering souls", or vampiric beings, who either need your energy to survive, or wish to continue an addiction. Again, they may just be lost, afraid, and need witness, and guidance, and a bit of healing to take their next step. I offer sessions in Compassionate Depossession, after an initial consultation reading, and when I have received your intake form. You can contact me @ [email protected], for more questions, to make an appointment, to pay by credit card, or, to request an intake form. Blessings, Helena |
Soul RetrievalBringing back lost or stolen parts of ourselves, to become whole
Compassionate DepossessionHelping a stuck or bound being leave a client, and take it's next step, in a caring way.
Curse unravelFinding, naming, untangling, and lifting a curse, or thought form from a person