We are like portals, or channels for divine light to pass through. As we work on ourselves, and get clearer, more light shines through. I see many young children in that way; their purity, and openness to life is crystal clear, and they are full of light. We sometimes bring our past energy, karma, and considerations with us into this world, and also, this life, and our experiences can start to mold us, in terms of how much, and where we let in that light. Our mind may protect our sanity by covering trauma with scar tissue, which lessons the pain, but lets in no light. Or, we may splinter off pieces of ourselves, our light, to hide and protect it, because it does not seem safe here. Those pieces may not come back. Or, you may forget about them.
Think of it as a screen, as in a window screen. The life force passes through you, and if there are any blocked holes, any closed off places, or resistant places, or stuck places, the divine light will not pass.
After a while, there will be a definite pattern forming; almost the silhouette of something. There is a pattern, of where you will not allow flow. Perhaps you are not ready to shine light there, are afraid to, or even quite unconscious to it.
You may be drawn to others with a similar pattern of light and dark. Other entities, beings, even thought forms, or attachments may be also.
Neutrality helps the flow. Running your light through those stuck places helps. Being aware of what is you, and validating that.
Compassionate depossession, or spirit releasement is one of the healing modalities that I do. Many people are aware of some of the symptoms of it, but the names are foreign to them. They may have feelings of depression, sadness, incessant self-trashing thoughts, intense anger, sexual arousal, or confusion that does not feel like their own, or that has not had any relief from traditional therapies or healing.
It can also be a physical illness that came on out of nowhere, that doesn’t respond to traditional therapies, from headaches, to back pain to kidney infections.
Some people seem to have never ending drama happening in their lives, or long streaks of bad luck. Sometimes there is a “funky” energy around the person, which makes people avoid or stay away from them.
There are others who hear thoughts in their head that are destructive, or demeaning, or apathetic. After a while, people start to believe that this is their own consciousness. Obviously, sharing your space with another entity can be destructive, painful, and exhausting.
It is exhausting because it needs your life force, to stay in your space. Usually, by the time you seek energetic help, you have been in that situation for a while.
The term “compassionate depossession” comes from the spiritist tradition in Brasil. (Allen Kardec (1804-1869), is the pen name of the French educator, translator and author Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail. He is the author of the five books known as the Spiritist Codification, and is the founder of Spiritism).
In other areas it can be known as spirit release, (England) or as spirit removal.
Dr William Baldwin wrote a book in 1995 called, "Spirit Release Therapy", which is the basis for many other works, books, and is an excellent primer on this work. Also, there are differences between an attachment, a possession, and an obsession. There could be some energies, like thought forms, that may need an extraction, a process of removal (done by a guide or helper) and given to an element, such as water, or earth, for release, assimilation, and transmutation.
A shamanic practice known as a”Soul Retrieval” can greatly help. Sometimes it is done before a releasement, sometimes after.
There can also be Soul agreements, or contracts, between spirits, which may make the work difficult, and they can be released, brought into present time, or destroyed. We have free will.
We are free beings. We have the right to choose. That is law in the universe.
Our ability to be cognizant of our sovereignty, even to declare it, is a good protection from evil, and from some of the darker energies that are around us. Control, binding, and slavery are some of the energies of evil. It is an energy on this planet. Even some of the entities caught up in the game of control, and evil, have the ability of declaring their own sovereignty.
One of the things to remember, also, is that you can say hello to, and acknowledge that sovereign spirit that lives in another. Your friend, or the person you are talking to. You can do that from your own space of being sovereign.
In my work I use both terms, Compassionate Depossession, and also Spirit Release. There are times that a releasement is necessary; it may not be aware that it is in another’s body, it may not be human, but an elemental (a basic force of the earth, with a consciousness, like the spirit of a tree, or the spirit of the land).
A depossession may sound frightful to some people, and bring up images of Catholic exorcisms. Well, there are cases where the invading energy is malefic, is there consciously, to cause pain, and destruction, and sometimes it can present itself as dramatic.
The word exorcism can be used, although it reminds us of the Catholic rituals, and of course, the movie. While it can be quite intense, not many people use that phrase, although Wanda Practnika, a powerful Polish practitioner, does. She has also explained her views on the Catholic religion, and its knowledge of, and the history of, it’s use of exorcisms. (At some point, they were not allowed in the church. Then they were, but the priests had nothing to go by. They had to, well, just wing it. In present time, it is used, and allowed, but under strict guidelines.
In the bible, Jesus performed exorcisms. Many other religions have their own versions; Muslims, Jewish. There are writings in the Koran, and in the Kabbalah. Most indigenous cultures have their versions, and their ritual ceremonies. This has been going on for thousands of years. It seems, as humans, we need this practice. It could be a part of our nature.
Through my trainings, with teachers like Betsy Bergstrom, I have learned to use the words compassionate depossession, because it is just that.
In a powerful, contained, protected, sacred space, the practitioner allows the help of guides, and psychopomps (beings whose job it is to help those cross over, go to the light, or into the earth, or finally home, or to their next step. It means guide, or conductor of souls). This is done in a heart centered space, from ones true self, which is, a powerful being of love, and light. You can see the light in the other, and with respect, speak with it, urge out the story of why, and how, to help this "suffering soul", and create an opening for them to move on, and complete.
It is a win-win. It helps the planet as a whole.
This is the work that I do.
I began this lifelong journey of helping others find relief, and wholeness, though, by reading the works of William Baldwin, Dr. Edith Fiore, and Louise Ireland Frey, who use the phrase spirit release, or "spirit release therapy" (coined by William Baldwin).
There is also the phrase “entity removal”, which is true, in terms of what is happening, but for me sounds a bit like a truck that comes to your house, like a Roto-Rooter, with long, vacuum hoses!
A bit of amusement here, because this work can get a bit dense. Always know that you do not need to match the vibration of what is happening, to be of help. It is also a good means of protection, and of clarity, to have some levity. I learned this wonderful tool from all my years at the Berkeley Psychic Institute, to which I am grateful.
There are times that an entity has come into a person’s energy field because of a curse, or a very strong psychic whack. Perhaps this has come down the family line. There are ancestral curses that have been intact for many generations. Sometimes, an entity comes in because of the person’s interest, or participation in occult activities, like Ouija boards, mediumship meetings, or séances. There are attached gurus (not nice beings, full of love and teachings, but control beings, in a religious guise).
Drug use and abuse, alcohol use and abuse, even spending time near people who have a lot of entities in their field, can lead to an attachment. Some people (couples, groups, families) can share a being, or a group of them.
There are some people who are genetically predisposed to allowing another being to enter, and cohabit their space. It can be a family trait. It can be a family being. I see this quite a bit as a psychic.
I also see people who don’t seem to be bothered with them much at all. They live quite comfortable, and happy, in the temple that is their body, with not much drama at all. I see people who have clean chakras, and spaces, who seem to radiate light. They are a beautiful sight to behold, and you can more easily radiate, while in their company. I am happy to say, that I have many friends like this.
It is also true that entities, and humans who have died, but not yet crossed over, can be attracted to people who have a lot of light in their space. Beautiful, clear, clean, sparkly, light infused, loving people are targeted like a moth to a flame. Indeed, it can be mesmerizing, and attractive to something stuck for so long in a grey world, where everything stays the same.
At some point beings that have not gone to the light need an energy source. You may just be that source.
I hope I am informing, and not scaring you at this point. I want to paint a picture for you of how, or why these things happen. They happen to most of us, and to the best of us, at some point. You don’t need to be a bad person, or a weak person, for a being to jump in your field.
But this is why it is so important to have good energy hygiene, not just to meditate, but to clean your energetic field, daily, and also to pull your energy back from wherever you have left it. It is also why you want to stay grounded, and to truly live in your body, to inhabit it. You may need help, with a soul retrieval, a healing where our life force, your soul parts are brought back to you, if you have splintered off at some point, because of trauma, abuse, loss, illness, or sometimes shock.
It’s excellent to be steadfast and clean, and clear your energy field. It’s tantamount to use your psychic protections daily. It’s also ok to ask for help.
Soul loss can be the main event that weakened your field in the first place.
It can also be that you were weak; perhaps an illness, or simply that you had surgery, where you were under anesthesia, and were out of your body for a time. There are so many beings floating around hospitals. You could go in for a tonsillectomy, and come out with much more.
They can be lost, or sad, or in a state of rage. They can have the emotional age of a 3 year old. Or, not be human, but from another dimension. Or put here by the controls of another. Or, simply just lost.
It does seem that it is a part of human nature, though, to have this weakness. For some, the ability may be strength; for protection, as an example. For others, a predisposition, to allow others to co-habitate this body, and, as such, this one precious life. No one needs to suffer, though. There are tools, and there is help.
Knowing yourself is the first step. Be aware of your energetic field, and know what it feels like to be just you, in your space. Keep your light strong, and protections up. Using guides, like Archangel Michael, or your own powerful angels, or guides. Getting regular healings, and tuneups.
Asking for help is a precious tool that we all have.
And knowing, that you are not alone in this, especially if you are human.
If you are wondering what is going on, or are interested in a Soul Retrieval, or a spirit releasement, or just want to know more, here are a couple of blogs, and also a couple of simply explained Youtube videos. (I love the use of the dry erase board!) The second video is quite informative, although does not go into the compassionate aspects of the work, nor does it give you tools to help you. So please stay tuned! I have been writing quite a bit on the subject, and will post more. Please do get a reading from me, if you wish to look at something in more detail.
Blessings, of light, love,
infinite compassion, and amusement,
copyright helenamazzariello/spiritinjoy 2018
Links:Here are other blog posts of mine on the subject, and below are two short, interesting videos. Enjoy,
Spirit attachment ~Hans Wilhelm
Spirit and entity removal, soul loss, soul retrieval, and the energy game on earth ~ Peter Michaels