I am so grateful, for the sacred work I do, and I am also amazed at how spirit shows up to teach me what I need.
I’m sure this happens with you also; especially when you are in synch with spirit.
The clarity that happens when you are changed and “trued” from that balance of inner work, and outer work.
Trueing is a word that reminds me of a few things;
walking a labyrinth, going in, being in the center, and then, the walking out again.
a laser point from it’s start, to it’s trajectory.
The same when holding a quartz crystal and slightly squeezing opposite sides.

I was a ceramicist, and a glassblower for many years, and each involve keeping the item on center. Throwing on the wheel is a delightful way to stay focused, and centered, and so is turning a pipe loaded on one end with a hot glass bubble, or vase, etc.
Your entire body gets into the play, and you are at once extremely focused, and yet aware of your surroundings.
And yet calm, and receptive.
I also worked at a scientific glass company, where you would create something starting from a tube of glass (pyrex or quartz) and after inserting one end in the lathe, would “true” it, or, get it on center.
Staring at this slowly moving cylinder with one end flopping, you would calmly, but effectively use your fisted hand and “tap” it when it was at its highest point of the floppy end.
A couple of gentle taps at the high point, would get this glass tube on exact center, and then you would begin to use flame from below, and also hand held torches, to create, to build upon this slowly turning, exactly centered piece of glass tubing.
“But what does this have to do with spirituality, or growth as a spirit in a body?”
Well, for myself, I am being trued, and also annealed by my inner work, and also my outer work.
This whole year for me was one of intense inner growth.
I studied all about trauma, and somatic means to hold space for and adjust.
I’ve done a lot of shadow work (Carl Jung) and continue to do so.
I have learned through that about being a people pleaser, as a means of showing up in a world that had trauma, and unpredictable caretakers and family members.
I am working on other methods to speak my truth, and create wanted changes.
I have studied a good deal of IFS, working with parts inside oneself.
And of course, my work with clients on psychic readings, Medical Intuition, Shamanic Healing (Soul Retrieval, Curse Unravel, Compassionate Depossession).
Some of that massive learning has dismembered me, dissolved me, recreated me, annealed me, to be in present time, to be more in my power.
It has also helped see to be a better “hollow bone”, because in shamanic work, you step out of the way to allow your guides to do the healing work.
It has helped me to show up clear, for my clients, and for my students.
And the clients and students who have been showing up have been simply amazing. Just. Wow.
It’s hard to explain, and I do my best to defer to my guides to bring me the right ones
(those both in bodies, and also not in bodies).
This work is atmospheric, in that it shifts in present time, and that time and shift is sacred, and is felt in the body, and also by spirit.
What a wild ride this past year has been!
I know that this has been happening with other people, and that is why I’m writing about it now.
Perhaps it has been all these planets that have been in retrograde (like Venus, like Pluto) that made us go back, and do the inner work, so that the present time us is a better tool, can hold more light, can be more effective in our lives.
Isn’t it funny, that by acknowledging the dark, and doing shadow work on yourself, you can be better able to contain more light, and also have deeper compassion for all in the process, including for yourself.
I see you. I have been doing readings for you, and Shamanic work for you.
I can see the impact all your efforts have had.
It is simply amazing.
Thank you for trusting me.
Thank you for trusting my guides.
When you walk a labyrinth, and travess it’s many onionskin like layers, you release the old, you get more in tuned, you center, and then you may get an answer. You may be shown a direction, an inspiration.
It is also a “trueing”.
Being in the center, with source, is a healing.
To just be.
To have your healing, and hello from Source, there in the center.
However, it is not finished.
You are only halfway there!
You must now leave that safe space, and travess all the pathways back out again, with your new self, the one with the healing, the answer, the torch of magic.
How do you bring what you have gained to community? How do you bring your enlightenment, your healing, and be in the outside world?
Ah, that is part of the magic of the labyrinth.
And it is part of the magic of life.
I see this exact thing happen when a person gets a Soul Retrieval.
When a part of them comes back into the whole, it is so healing, and strengthening.
And it is like a “Trueing “.
I tell my clients of Soul Retrieval, that it (soul loss) is like having one wheel off the track in your life (and why you came here), and this healing will gently nudge you to get back on track.
And nudge it does!
Then, the rest is up to you.
Bringing the new you back into community is both simple, and perplexing.
Things are different, because you are.
Now, what was it that you came here to do?