Please enjoy.
Be behind your eyes, in that room in the center of your head.
And breathe.
Now, sink down into your heart space. Feel that.
Settle inside, relax, and close your eyes.
Go to your favorite spot in nature, whether it is a forest, a stream, the desert, or standing on the beach of the ocean. Say hello to your concept of God/Goddess/Source, whether it is a being in human form, or a ball of light, etc. Whatever shows up is ok, it could be the God you remembered in grade school, or growing up.
Just notice, and feel, and sense, this energy, right out in front of you.
Remember a time in your life, where you became angry with God.
Perhaps you prayed for something, and it did not happen. Perhaps it was a parent, or friend, or relative that died.
Perhaps you had some traumatic event, which you felt you did not deserve. Perhaps you saw injustice in front of you, and you could not believe that God would do something like that. Or, not do anything.
Just let this anger come up.
Perhaps there is sadness, or grief, too.
Just be present, to what comes up.
And breathe.
Is this where you turned away?
Can you forgive? Is there an answer, to understanding why? Perhaps there is not. Just let the anger out, just be heard, and now, let it go.
Be heard. Say everything.
Ask this being, this Source energy, for a healing, now.
Clean out the pipes of communication.
Feel the part of you that is God/Goddess/Source energy.
Sense the oneness.
Bring your relationship with Source into present time.
Just breathe.
Take your time.
When you are ready, in this meditation, in your beautiful place in nature, take one step, then two, then three, and step into the place where you see source energy, and merge with Source.
What do you feel?
What do you see?
Bring your relationship with the Supreme Being into present time, now. You are a part of Source.
Perhaps you see an image of this present time relationship. Look at it very carefully.
Perhaps it is not an image, but a sound, or, just a sensation.
You are a part of this Source energy. This is your true self.
You are whole.
You are well.
You can create.
You can co-create,
with source.
Remember this feeling, and this image, or sensation, as we end this meditation now.
Experience again, your favorite place in nature, just breathe it all in.
Breathe, and feel your body, feel the chair you are sitting on, wiggle your toes, stretch a bit, say hello to that beautiful body of yours,
and when you are ready, be fully in the room, and open your eyes.
I just love what I felt, and what I saw as the students opened their eyes, and then looked at each other. The whole room seemed transformed, and exquisitely light. Luminous. Everyone’s eyes had that same light, and, almost, a bit of impish joy!
After stretching a bit, and telling their stories, we proceeded to creation tools.
What a blessings to watch them create, from that place. It is a place of right relationship, with yourself, and with Source.
Helena Mazzariello/Spiritinjoy copyright 2019