I am all about being positive, I even teach about Laws of attraction, about watching your thoughts, as they contain powerful messages (as vibration) to the universe, and your own subconscious, about how you create your world around you. I am a practicing, trained psychic, working on a few different levels of our reality. I have been trained to be aware that the heart is not always neutral, and a good psychic, or healer, needs to keep this in check to have good boundaries, to be a witness, or facilitator, instead of a "fixer".
Being a sensitive person, this has helped me enormously in my career. I can now choose who or what to give my attentions to, if I do wish to help. There are always struggles, violence, greed corruption, ignorance, people and animal abuse. If you saw it all at once you would blow up, or go numb, become bitter, become one side or another, vibrating the same hate again and again, lifetime after lifetime.
I have a memory of my last past life. It has to do with Nazi Germany. I remember my mother in such pain and distress. She was behind me, brushing my hair. We both had very thick, reddish hair. She was brushing my hair too hard, because of her stress, and it was hurting my head and neck. Then they took her away and killed her. Later, they killed me. For some reason, I don't remember that part, I only remember being dead, and looking for her, still a young childs heart. In this life, I grew up with a Polish Mom, in a Polish town. All of my uncles went to fight in that war. My mom was about 13 at the time. I think she went into denial about the fear and pain her Polish parents, even the community must've been experiencing. My friend Mary Byras mom was in line to be killed more than once in an extermination camp, in Poland. Some miracle took her out, and she lived in America, in Manville NJ, married, and had children. I will never forget the large, leather bound book of photographs she showed me, of the concentration camp victims. Some were alive, like skeletons. Some were dead, and in piles. Some were just body parts, in piles.I remember her talking about someone who's job it was, was to take the teeth out of the skulls, and extract the gold fillings. That was, of course, before they died as well.
I was about 9 years old then.
Travel forward in time, through my vegetarian, meditating, groovy, love everyone, hippie days, and I am in San Francisco at a party. I am hearing about the systematic genocide of the Palestinians, from a young man who has eyes becoming more fearful as he speaks. I can hardly believe what I am hearing. I remember hearing how even the herbs they used to cook and cure (like oregano) were forbidden. Things of their culture systematically destroyed, as they (Zionists) inched their way into the land, and built apartment after apartment, city after city, in their wake. And my country was giving them large sums of money to do it. We need help, he pleaded.
That was 30 years ago.
About that time, I started to do energy work, as my political work. (Hehe, maybe because I was usually so poor, I couldn't even afford the memberships to my news sources, like KPFA, or KQED). Thats also when I heard about apartheid. At the point in my life I was also a dancer, so we did countless benefits for the cause, or protested the Bank of America buildings. Energetically, we would do astral plane love and support "drive by's", channeling higher vibrations to areas that needed it. Not our own energies. A higher source. The dozen or so large, quartz crystals that I own, were programmed with that love, support, answers, vibration, and set on help. Because that is what we could do. The days around the time that Nelson Mandela was released, when things started to actually change for the better, I felt a humming in the depth of my chest, and my spirit was light as a feather. I would at times break in to tears, at odd moments, because I knew that we had done the right thing. We did what we could, with what we had.
A few years later, my life is all about playing Capoeira, and dancing, and doing the same kind of energy work. When I found out about the atrocities happening in the former Yugoslavia, I felt I needed to help. There were rape camps set up there. Rape can be a tactic used in war, that has lifetimes of trauma, and I did what I could to help. Before every class, every show, I would set my intention, to give my all as an artist, as a dancer, as an athlete, to an energy bank to help these women. I did not use my own energy, but brought in love and light,(god/goddess/all that is), magnified, and transformed it, and sent it off. I did this for months. I did my best work in dance/choreography/performing as well, so I've been told. I never told anyone about this, because they would think I was nuts. Thank goodness, now, I have found more like-minded folk. I am so blessed.
What was different here, is that I realized, that on the astral, the energy I was donating would go to a "bank", or supply place, and that a woman, or female guide or angel, was handling it. That was her job. I was not the only one. People were praying. This stuff works. It is not always perfect. I believe some of those women were killed anyway. Please know that you make a difference. Please know that. Please don't fall asleep.
There are always things you can do, as a spirit. Do not burn out. Learn what you can. Do not be afraid. Do not match the energies. Shower love to both sides. See a solution forming. Or, for my more psychic friends, erase the energy of snakes and spiders. Erase reptiles, on both sides. They are seductive, but you can pick them off.
A love drive by is a quick gift, an anonymous one, like paying your bridge toll, and paying for the driver behind you as well. Like giving an anonymous donation to someone who desperately needs it, with the energy of whimsy, not of the seriousness of war. Of revenge. Of justice. Don't match. You will burn out.
Now, in present time, I teach meditation, psychic studies, energetic tools for you as spirit. I teach that you are a spirit in a body. You are a spirit, you have a body. I feel strongly about the Palestinian situation, without demonizing the other side. I try to understand, and get my news from the right sources.
I cannot be a voice that is just about creating through Law of attraction, without helping my fellow beings, as I have been helped. I can choose only some disasters, and I must let the rest go. I need to take energetic breaks, but cannot live in a happy bubble of denial. While it saddens me, and cuts my heart, even the voices I hear and see around me that are acting, creating change as they can, being outraged, not doing it perfectly, but trying, gives me such joy, and hope, to humanity. You have no idea. Palestine is not the first holocaust, and will probably not be the last. We do what we can. Everything helps, from energy work, to protesting, divestment, voting.
For those spirits that wish to help on the astral, while your body is sleeping, come join us. We can't match the energy of hate and separatism, of snakes and reptilians, and control beings.. You must leave the intellect and its judgements behind, and create love, send and visualize answers, healing. Erase snakes and reptilians if you know how. Otherwise, just love is fine. Drop the stuff, and get on the astral elevator to the 12th floor (come to the higher levels, yes, now higher than that), and head for the big, violet ball of light. Room 123. Password= Love.
Oh, and bring snacks.