"What you resist, persists" ~ Carl Jung
Watching things grow, and offering nourishment, starting with the things I love. It’s so easy, it just flows out naturally. My partner, my friends, nature, my family, the earth, the land I live on. The beings who also share the land here; fairies in the yard, the spirits of the big trees, the house elf.
And of course, my cat, who is probably basking in the fall sun somewhere outside, as I write this.
My clients who are working on themselves, trying to be their best.
The squirrels who are in my yard, eyeing this same ripe figs on the tree outside, as I am!
Everything around me seems to be in some type of harmonious working order, from the workers on the house next door, the mail carrier on her route; it’s easy to send love and appreciation, in neutrality, to the world around me.
The hard part is continuing that flow of energy when what you see is hateful, ignorant, or destructive, dangerous, or just unconscious.
Sometimes, those people, or situations are not yours to fix. Or, they are not your business.
That place is what this article is about, being ok with the world not being ok. It involves backing up a bit, and loving the big picture. Being a compassionate and loving person, does not mean not feeling angry, or having no boundaries.
Sometimes, what you can do, is feel your feelings, see what you see, and allow. Become neutral to what is.
No “spiritual bypassing”. Just for a moment. And don’t try to fix it, solve it, or see the bright side of the picture.
Be with what is, just for a moment, even with the uncomfortable, or the sadness, or the rage, or the grief, in you.
That is a part of this. This being alive. Sometimes things are ugly, or messy.
your neutrality, can be an important spirit tool. It is a psychic tool that I use everyday, in my readings, in my work, in my life.
And, like learning any tool, you need to practice, everyday, to build that muscle.
Neutrality. It is the lubricant of your life. On an energy level, it unhooks you from your beliefs, and thought patterns, and can be quite freeing. Freeing from that whole “story” that your ego tells you about it, about what is.
The story. In all it’s glory.
Also, the energy in your space will flow smoother, as the opposite of neutrality is resistance, and that creates a thicker energy.
I see it as a sticky, slow energy, that tends to get tangled up in things, and that resistance, creates more of the same.
The phrase, “resistance causes persistence”, is true.
Energetically, resistance, or non neutrality slows everything down, and is like a “stop” energy. I see it clairvoyantly as a “DON'T LOOK", there are painful beliefs and memories there”.
And, it seems, that the whole “story” about it is a means to persuade you, or protect you, and probably isn’t true at all, or, is just one opinion. Is it yours, this story?
Sometimes, being aware of, or allowing some of those beliefs or painful memories can be enlightening, or, a reality check, or can allow some of that “stop” energy to dissipate.
And that, can free up a lot of life force in you!
When you remember that you are not your thoughts, but you are the awareness behind those thoughts, everything changes.
It brings clarity, and a spiritual presence. It brings you into present time. And that is a healing unto itself.
You are not your thoughts, nor your emotions, you are the awareness behind them.
You are not your beliefs, either.
One of my jobs in freeing myself, and in cleaning, and owning my own space, is to find out where I am not neutral.
I do it in every psychic reading that I do. I do it in every “clean out”, after every reading that I do.
With my awareness in my 6th, and 7th chakra (which is where I read from), I am in a place of neutrality, and of sovereignty. When I realize the tightness, and resistance of some energy, even the protection around me looking at it, that comes up for me in my reading work, well, I consider that to be a good thing. A juicy place of releasing pain (mine, or someone else’s) and getting back a lot of my life force.
Plus, I am able to read my client better, as I am clearer. I can see something in more depth, and glean better answers, once my own considerations are out of the way.
I have an energy method to de-charge that stuck energy, of exploding it. I get many answers for myself, and I am a better psychic that way. I can see clearer, for them, without all that judgement, and resistance, and the energy just flows better.
I love seeing where I am stuck, as I can now start to free myself, or at least give myself more wiggle room to be.
The energy flows better, and I have more choice. What an amazing tool, to have in your toolbox, to be able to put yourself in neutral for a bit.
You will learn a lot about yourself, when you remember that you are not your thoughts, you are not your emotions, you are not your beliefs, but you are the awareness, that is behind them.
Sometimes, while doing this disengaging work, you will be amused at your answers; that your resistance was simply a fear! Or, that your resistance was a belief that was not even yours! Or, your resistance, and your ego’s story, was a pitiful attempt at protecting you from “them”, or even your own pain.
Better to have good energetic boundaries, and free yourself. It will be a gift to others, as well as to yourself! Seriously.
Start with just one strong resistance that pops up today. Notice the strong energy blockage, and where you went unconsciously. Just breathe, and say hello to your body for a moment, breathe through any stress, or tension, and then, go into neutral.
you can just allow that strong judgement to still be there (don’t resist the resistance, lol!). Notice it, look at it, be curious. Back up from it, gently, slowly, and just be with it for a second. If pain comes up, or fear, feel that, and then let it go. It is usually something you did not know was there.
You just got an answer for yourself.
Now, when you have discovered something about yourself, and after experiencing it,
allow this energy to either slide off of you, with gravity, all that energy, to the center of the planet to compost, or, use some method of decharging it, after you have stepped out of it.
Throw a bomb at it, and watch it obliterate (I use this method), or, perhaps see it, and imagine an eraser removing it from your space in front of you. Maybe see it being power washed with a great force of water from your energetic field. Whatever works for you. You can even use something amusing, like an animal walking by and eating it.
Whatever works. Now step back in, and just be neutral, and allow.
That whole string of uninterrupted thoughts that were attached to it, start to have less of a hold on you. Be amused.
Be amused.
Breathe. You are resetting your space.
You will find, with this work that your energy flows more smoothly. you may even be able to do the thing you were resisting, or talk to the person you were resisting.
It may take a few more tries. Remember, what you resist, persists! It will keep coming up in your life, and in your experiences, until you can make some space for yourself, and get more neutral.
And that is such a healing.
Your reality doesn’t change, but, how you view it does.
And this will free you, and greatly lighten up your energy, which is great, for you, for the people you relate to, from family, friends, pets, clients, and even nature, and the planet herself.
This does not mean take no action, but it does mean clear your space, and then see life, yourself and the world from that clearer paradigm.
Take action from that space, if indeed, any action is even needed.
Enjoy your day, try this tool, it will help you slide into a lighter, and more curious space.
Gentle blessings,
or, with a friend!
Copyright HelenaMazzariello/spiritinjoy 2019