daily ritual:
most important ritual I do daily (besides running my energy and meditating) is
right when I wake up. As I'm laying in bed, and before the day I'm about to have
starts gushing in, I "set the energy of my day", by just taking a moment to be
grateful, and to remember who I AM, which is a spirit in a body, and a powerful
co-creator on this planet. I decide how I want the day, for example, in
amusement, in certainty, in a space of magic and miracles, or love and
forgiveness, or accomplishing a certain task, or healing my body, or just plain
fun! I stay in that place of gratitude as I "pull all of my energy back from the
dream space", and my adventures on the astral, remembering a few snippets of the
last night’s dreams. I'm done there, and it’s time to set my day. It’s as if I
wear my intentions on my crown like an invisible hat; a reminder for myself, and
the Angels, of my intent.
amazing how well that works! If I fall off my own "game plan", (including my
thoughts) I simply forgive myself, and get back on track. While meditating, or
saying hello to the Angels, I am gently guided, gently urged and nudged to bring
it up a notch, to have, or give more, or to be at the right place at the right
time, to create that awesome day I had planned, and "set" the energy for. I
guess that's why they call it co-creating, huh?!