As spirits who inhabit bodies. it's so easy for us to travel out of them: to the past, into the future. We go and visit other people, and places, and just leave our bodies. Eventually we come back, and sometimes bring that information back with us, but mostly, we just space out, and leave. While that can be innocent enough, some things can happen to us while no one is home minding the store.
If our bodies are not energetically protected, energy can slide in opportunistically. Many marketing strategies are based on that. You can be easily programmed as to which peanut butter is better to buy. If we are not in our bodies, our bodies may not feel safe, and the lower chakras open up to give us that information, and help us. As a psychic, I can see that the spirit of some people resides above their heads, and the body must fend on its own. Some people are so busy, or worried about the future, or in the future, that their spirit live a bit out of the body, in front of themselves. Again, body doesn't feel so safe. Some bodies put on weight, to feel more grounded, or safe. Some bodies take on hitchhikers, beings who take advantage of the fact that you don't really live there much. Some have spirit guides, that try to manage it all for you. All that comes at a cost. At the very least, you stub your toes a bit, and are spaced out, or accident prone. The worst case scenarios can be invading entities, being programmed, or being at the effect of other peoples beliefs and pictures about who you are, and what type of peanut butter you need to buy.
Being in your body allows for choice. You can still travel around, as we all do, but coming back in to a clean, vibrant space that is yours, and is the way you left it is the best. It means you have your power, and your seniority, because this is your vehicle, this beautiful body of yours. It is your temple. It is finite. It depends on you.
There is a spiritual space, in the center of our heads, right behind our eyes. It helps us to filter out all the noise from our daily life experience, and just be. Here, we can focus on consciously creating our experience. Here, it is calm, and clear, and you have access to your intuition, your focus, and concentration, your ability to tell the truth from a lie, and your intuition. I do much of my readings, and my healings, from this space. I do my daily meditations from this place. It is both my refuge, and my place of power.
While I love being in my body, and engaging all my chakras, all parts of me, each has its own place, in my life.
Being in the center of my head is different than being in my heart.
I consider my heart space to be powerful, and expansive, and inclusive. I consider it to be my communion with God/Goddess/All that is, and my deep connection with others, with all of life.
I still have that Source energy communion in the center of my head, but it is much more personal. It is where I can find my own truth. I consider it to be command central, like being behind the wheel of my car. You can think of it as the cockpit of an airplane, or just you, in your favorite cozy room, your workshop.
It is so easy to get distracted in all that is going on around (and within) you, that it usually takes a conscious effort to get back into the center of your head. It is a continuous leaving, and coming back in. That's why I meditate there, and why I discipline myself to keep going back, after I have left. I do this lovingly, and in a space of ease and kindergarten. Simple is best. So is laughing, when I realize I have left. I leave, and come back in, so many times throughout my day. Why, I forget, and remember, so many times, in the course of a half hour psychic energy cleansing meditation! I wonder how many times I have already done that today?
Being in the center of my head is also a way to retrieve my spirit from all the places it has been.
Here, I have access to my intuition, to clear sight.
My 6th chakra is also my perceptions, and my imagination. Knowing that these help to create my reality; it is a powerful place indeed.
It represents the element light. Light, which can travel at speeds beyond our comprehension! Our bodies see the world, and it's objects, as reflected light.
I do my readings from my 6th chakra. I also use my 7th (claircognisence), and my 5th Chakra (communication).
I use my 4th chakra also, when I do shamanic work, and healing. (This is a powerful place also, but that is for another blog post).
Awareness, vs Attention.
When you are clear, and sitting in your command central, which is the center of your head, that is home base. It is where your awareness lies.
You may put your attention on things outside of yourself, but you, the spirit stay here. As if you are in a room, and looking outside through a window.
There are many times that I have been teaching a class, or doing a reading for someone, and I start to space out, or forget what I was saying. I may even feel irritated.
The person wanted to hear me so badly, that they left their own space, and put their energy right in the center of my head! Or, perhaps, they have a live in entity, or over enthusiastic spirit guide, or family being. It may simply be a matter of a being with boundary issues, and not anything with mal intent.
In this case, a simple spirit to spirit Hello, while kindly but firmly backing them out, should do the trick. Let them get back in the center of their own head, and just, simply, pay attention to what I am saying.
Ahhh, instant relief!
You can do a simple meditation, to be aware of, and be in, the center of your head.
Close your eyes, and breathe, and relax.
Be aware of yourself.
Now simply put your first finger on your forehead. Be aware of the place where your finger touches your forehead, and bring your full awareness, to that place. Just notice what you notice.
I sometimes tap gently, reminding myself to gather myself up from wherever I was, and come back here. I may use my breath to bring myself back. Simple.
I teach this in my psychic meditation/ energy tools class. I have them (using the first fingers of their hands) touch both the front of their forehead (like you just did) and also the back of their head, right in the middle, and make an imaginary laser beam line that connects the two points. Then I ask them (they still have their eyes closed) to put one finger about an inch above their left ear, and the other finger about an inch above their right ear, and see another laser beam, connecting them. So now they have an "x" of a bright blue, or red, or green laser light, and I ask them to be right where these two lines intersect. They are right in the center of their head. It's quite a wonderful feeling, both to just be home, and also to command yourself there. Gently, lovingly, and with patience.
At this point, you can start to fill up that space, with you. Use your breath, to breathe yourself back in. Make that a room in the center of your head, instead of just a point of light. You can clearly see now, and even move about. Make a comfy chair for yourself, get to know the walls, windows. Light a candle, or add your favorite flowers. I am able to see out of the windows. I am able to clean out any clutter, or unconscious energy (which I see as white, fuzzy energy, which makes me want to fall asleep, or go into la la land). Kick out anybody else that might be there, taking up space. It is your command central, your drivers seat, only for you.
Breathe. Breathe yourself back in, and fill up the space with your beautiful energy.
Get to know this place, and how you feel when you as spirit, are in there, and aware, and thriving. Then, you will be very aware, when you are not. Perhaps you left on your own accord, and perhaps, you got kicked out of your body. A psychic whack from another, or a trauma, or perceived trauma on the body, might eject you. Drugs, or alcohol may do it too. Even a flirtatious encounter, or an argumentative one, or a room filled with people who are trancemediums. Your partner, your kids, or perhaps your favorite pet can jump in there. Notice who you are, and what happens, when you are not centered, or not in the center of your head.
Be selfish with this space.
No sharing.
Be patient, and loving, and just figure a way to get back in. There are times that I must break a window, and climb back in again. (just kidding, but perhaps not). Sometimes just a deep breath, a chuckle, and the finger test, is all it takes, and you are home. The more you practice, the easier it gets.
Many blessings, and enjoy your space!
Helena Mazzariello/copyright 2017
I teach this and many more energy tools for your psychic toolbox, and give readings, healing, and energy checks on how they are working for you. Feel free to contact me with any questions, and please give it a Facebook like , or comment here. Stay tuned for next months topic!