I am humbled, in awe of the process, and always end up getting a healing for myself!
In a reading, I may see some energy in the other person’s energetic field that I have also. Not an exact match, but a very similar vibration. I heal myself, as I notice the “matching picture”, and how charged up it is energetically. I take the time to “Decharge” that energy, either during the reading, or afterwards, when I clean out. Clean out means to clear my space, my aura, my chakras, (even my belief system, and subconscious mind!), both inside my head, and around my body. If I didn’t take the time to clear my space, I would feel foggy, a bit unconscious, maybe in a bit of emotional, or psychic pain, and definitely in past time, as opposed to here, now, in present time.
After I do take the time to clear myself, in an energy clearing meditation, I feel great, like I have more space to be. I feel brighter, freer, and more at peace.
This is one of the reasons I love to meditate, and one of the reasons I love to read. The act of doing a reading, has never gotten stale, or old, or boring, and I’ve been doing it for 36 or so years. Sometimes a reading is like solving a puzzle, or watching an exciting mystery, with twists and turns and surprises until the very end. And connecting with someone’s spirit ~ the very core of who they are, and watching the growth, or clarity, or answers they get for themselves, it is nourishing on some level. It is a healing, just giving and getting, spirit-to-spirit hello’s.
One of the hardest things I do in my work is entity releasement, or depossesion. It is also one of the most rewarding. It is something that I can do, to make this planet better, and it really helps my clients have their space back, and truly be themselves.
Sometimes it is their home, the energy of their home.
Sometimes it is a partner, who is destroying the relationship, and comes along skeptical, yet with hope.
I take my work very seriously, and yet I try to stay in a place of neutrality, even a bit of amusement.
Some beings are not my business, or my problem to fix, and my client asks to learn ways to get along, or to be senior to them, when they have to be around them, or when they won’t leave, or get in the way.
It can be as simple as that.
Sometimes understanding is the key, along with a few helpful other tools.
There are other situations, where the spirit is very stuck, and it is time to go.
Building on your own strength, your own boundaries, will help you greatly. (This is my house!” or, “those are not my thoughts, and you are not me; you need to get the heck out”.
So will having a sense of humor, compassion, and staying out of fear. Maybe you need to disconnect from it, ignore it.
Your connection to source energy is important. Whether it is God/goddess/all that is, a big ball of light, stay connected.
Stay amused. Be patient. Things can change. Ask for help.
Who do you call on for help? Do you use an Angel, Archangel, or Ascended Master such as Archangel Michael, or Mother Mary, or Isis? Do you use the energies of the Violet flame, or the ceremonies of clearing, like burning sage or bell ringing?
Find what works for you. It is always good to have healthy boundaries.
Learning to meditate, and clearing your space is such a good example. Besides staying energetically healthy, feeling calm, grounded, and relaxed, another good thing about it, is you get very aware of who you are when your space is clean, and clear. You feel great, and quite in your body, (as opposed to fuzzy, ungrounded, and not occupying the space behind your eyes, or grouchy, and reactive). You actually become used to that experience, and that feeling, and it becomes the norm.
It is worth the discipline to meditate, and run your energy every day. You feel better, clearer, and are much more aware when an energy (or even an entity) is around. It is clearly, very clearly not you, because you know what it feels like to be home, and that sure is not it.
That’s the first step. That’s why you learn the tools. Hello!
If you would like a reading, or would like to learn how to meditate to clear your space, check out my website for classes. If you need a healing, or some intervention with a pesky, lost or stuck entity, let me know, and let's take a look.
Helena Mazzariello
[email protected]