What happens when you bring old contracts and agreements into present time, is that you get to have choice. Again.
And that is a powerful thing indeed.
I try to teach different tools for empowerment, and healing in my classes, readings, and blogs. If you have been following, you will remember that you can pull your energy back from things, from places, from people, and even from the past, or the future!
We are capable spirits. We are lucky to have these wonderful, finite bodies, to be able to grow, learn, work energy, and play in. And enjoy!
Spirit moves quickly. We can go flying around on the astral plane, in the dream state. We can fly on ahead of ourselves, to our next destination, in the wink of an eye. Our bodies, on the other hand, have to walk there, or drive there, or wait, until the next day. Or week.
Spirits can easily fly back into the past, and revisit things, too. The present must seem like a fleeting moment, a flash of light. Well, in some ways, for spirit, it is.
The best place, the healthiest place, for a spirit in a body (like yourself), is in present time. That is where the party is, LOL
That is where you actually have any power, or choice.
In this place, you get to grow, change, evolve, understand, forgive. Here, you have power.
Here, you have certainty. Amusement.
Here, you have your senses.
Here, your body feels safe.
Have you ever seen someone, while you were in conversation with them, vacate, and go into the past? Perhaps you were talking about some past intense event, and then you watch their eyes glaze over, and they get that far away look?
Their spirit actually left, and went there. Hopefully, you weren't a passenger in the car they were driving!
We all do that. We can easily step out for a moment, in our normal, ordinary reality, and then pop back in.
Sometimes, though, pieces of us stay there, or live there, and then it can be a problem. It means you don't have all your power here, all your life force. You can be running on only half of your energy.
Your body, and your life, don't like that.
Your relationships don't either.
So many times we make agreements, about what we want to create. Agreements, and contracts with ourselves, and others. It's a good thing, to have boundaries, and goals for yourself, or in your relationships. Those relationships can be with people, partners, companies, churches, entities, families, circles of friends.
It can simply be an agreement with yourself.
It can be a contract about having a child together, or about being a loyal employee. It can be a healthy agreement, or a toxic one. Like all contracts, there are those "terms and agreements" we all agree to.
Some toxic one might be: " We won't talk about Joe's alcoholism, and we'll enable him, because then, things will stay the same, and people will think we are fine, and that our reputation is good".
Or, perhaps, "I will be sick a lot, so people will feel sorry for me, and take care of me".
"I will be obese, so I don't have to look at, or feel, or deal with, the pain of sexual abuse that I had as a child".
I will accept my partner's abuse, because somehow I deserve it, and I feel guilty".
"I will never be more successful than my Dad, because I love him, and that would make him feel bad about himself".
There are also, good healthy agreements, and contracts (imagine a real contract, on a piece of paper, in your mind, with these things written on it, signed by you, or by both parties. Perhaps it is a group agreement. In that case, it is signed by all. Agreements with many people can be quite powerful, as can karmic agreements.
Here are some examples of healthy agreements, even though they may not be conscious ones.
"We will allow each other to grow to be our best selves, even if that means time away from each other".
"We tell each other the truth, even if it is uncomfortable".
"In this group, we allow all members to lead, have power, share, and shine their light. We validate that behavior, and encourage all members".
So one of the things that happens in life, is that things change.
People change.
People grow, and change, in these finite bodies of ours. People die. They can grow, and change enormously. We all have choice, and power. So when one member of a group changes, everyone shifts a bit.
Agreements can be broken.
Or, they can be updated, as the persons grows, and evolves.
Remember, that the present moment is where you have the power.
You have no power in the past. If your energy is there, it is useless. That is why it is so important to update your space, to bring your energy, and your power, into present time.
The same way that we pull our energy back, from the past, or the future, or from others, and breathe it back into ourselves in the present moment, we can pull an old contract from the past, into present time, to review it. We may wish to update it, because we have changed, or grown. Perhaps it doesn't work at all anymore, and it is a big hindrance to you taking a step up. This is something that you can do, in meditation, or in ceremony, or ritual.
Perhaps the group or relationship will breathe a sigh of relief, because updating this invisible contract, allows them to be in present time also.
Or, it could be, that as you grew, and evolved, you evolved right out of a group, or relationship, or a job, which couldn't change with you. Groups disband, friendships can't continue, relationships which may have felt perfect at some point just cannot withstand the evolution, jobs don't want to pay you that much.
Some do, though, some do. Some just get a healthy dose of (your) truth, and can update yours, their own, and new, more present time partnerships, or agreements are made.
Look how powerful the present moment is, it can change the course of rivers, of friendships, careers. Everybody takes a step up.
Which involves change. Which can be scary, or can be refreshing, even exhilarating!
The easiest way to imagine changing or updating these agreements, and contracts is in a meditation, where you pull all your energy out of the old one, from the past (using your intent, and imagination). You can see it in your minds eye in front of you. The old one. Bring yourself fully into the here and now, and see it, all flattened out, because you have vacated it. You may read it, and try to understand it, or just know, that you are ready. In your minds eye, rip up the old contract, and then see yourself creating a new one.
Sometimes this space of destroying, allows lots of charged up energy to be dissipated! Really acknowledge what is happening,
slow down,
and stay in the present moment.
Remember that you are sovereign.
Decree it.
When you are ready, and have felt the absence of that old one,
you can create a healthy one, for your new, present time space.
If it is just for you, just sign, and date it.
If it is for a group, or a partner, sign, and date it, and then show it to them, as spirit. Pick it up, and turn it towards them, and show them. If they agree, wonderful! You will notice a difference, and change will happen, sometimes slowly, but sometimes this magic is immediate!
Feel the change.
Be it.
Imagine handing this new contract to your Akashic Record Keeper, in the large library, about a foot above your head, in your 8th chakra. Just hand it up to them, and ask that your files be updated.
In some instances, it may mean that you free yourself from an old, old, entanglement. You will start to notice how good you feel, and how much of your energy starts to be in the present moment.
It can be truly freeing.
Having your relationships in present time, can be truly empowering, freeing, and energizing.
Usually, you have already done the changing, or growing, or evolving, and when it is time to do this work, it happens smoothly. Sometimes, you may be surprised how entangled, how explosively charged, or how very, very, past time, that old thing was.
Thank it for it's original purpose. Now it's time to upgrade.
The last thing that I'd like to mention here, is, how it feels when someone upgrades the agreement that you had with them. Perhaps their own evolution took them elsewhere, perhaps they are now climbing out of a past time agreement, which for them was stifling, or dissolving, but you were quite happy in, or at least, comfortable in!
Ah, life.
Yes, give yourself time to seethe, and rage, or blame, feel sad, or feel entitled. Express, but don't necessarily send, all that energy.
Feel sorry for yourself, and go through all these emotions. Be sad, kick and scream. Eventually, you can pull your energy out of that broken thing, and flatten it out, and tear it up.
Bring your energy into present time.
You can create, and destroy, and recreate.
You are in the present moment.
And here, you have choice. Everyone does.
Again, update your files, so you can cruise along,
in the river of life.
Life in the present moment.
How good can it get?
Copyright Spirit in Joy 2017