I know so many healers, psychics, shamans, and light workers. The most powerful, and effectual are those who are annealed by their experiences, by their successes and failures both. Their pain, and their light help others to allow their own fullness, their own realness. And by being in what is, healing happens.
I think we have all heard the phrase "spiritual bypassing", where one only looks at the light and love, and denies anything else. It gives power to what is repressed, and doesn't help anyone else. That's why I wanted to share some tips and explain a bit, because that space can be spring loaded at worst, and ineffectual at best.
Here are some simple ways to do acknowledge, be curious, own, understand, accept and transcend some of the darker parts of yourself.
We are made of both light and dark aspects, and refusing one and acknowledging one just adds fuel to the one resisted, and that fuel gives it more power.
Your shadow self is nothing to be afraid of, as it is a part of you.
It usually gets created in childhood.
We were born whole, and complete, but from various interactions with parents, or caretakers, we discern that certain parts of ourselves are not ok. They may say it to us, or, we may come to that conclusion on our own.
We believe that some parts are good, and some parts are bad. And we reject what we think is bad. We submerge it, but that only gives it more power. We repress what we think is bad, while we exaggerate what we think is good. We disown what we think (or was told) is bad.
And that part becomes the shadow, and it is unconscious. And it can "run" our lightworker program in an insidious manner.
The terms shadow, subconscious, and unconscious were brought by Carl Jung to the Western World, and his works on describing, understanding, and re integrating the shadow are priceless, and highly recommended. These are parts that are disowned, and that the ego fails to see.
They don't leave, but leave awareness, and live in the subconscious mind, where they grow in power.
They can and will affect everything you do, and comes out (to your conscious awareness) in the form of unconscious and limiting beliefs.
"Shadow work is the path of the heart warrior" ~ Carl Jung
It could be a sensitive boy told by his father to stop crying and "man up". He may stuff that part of himself and put up a wall of tough, which appeases his father, but the sensitive comes out in inappropriate times, or he may have trouble showing emotions when that is appropriate and healthy. He may have trouble in relationships, or have explosions of overemotional behavior.
It could be a young girl with a lot of boundless energy, and strong emotions who has a strong sense of self. Perhaps her anger is disowned, and told it was wrong or not ok to express. Perhaps she deduced that on her own.
If these are our main caretakers, we want to do what pleases them, and express more of what is validated.
Perhaps she represses her anger, but also her healthy, righteous anger. Her demure quality, and people pleasing gets her by, but she loses a lot of her power and life force.
When we repress because we are afraid of what other people will think of us, it starts to live in the realm of the subconscious.
We think conscious = light, and hidden = darkness. And we assume the darkness is bad.
There are talents, gifts, and a lot of power locked in to the shadow. It will help you to understand yourself, to make peace with yourself, and live a whole and balanced life. You are both.
And if we are healers, or caregivers, it makes us more equipped to hold space for another, in their wholeness.
We create a "split" when we dissociate. it can take over when we get triggered. We may not give it very much power, but it is powerful, and can cause a lot of grief, turn things upside down and disrupt many relationships.
Have you ever seen someone flip? Someone who's is normally cool and collected acts psychotic, overly dramatic, and rageful, because of some trigger?
Usually, if you become conscious of your parts, your shadow, and also your triggers, it can come up through you. If it stays unconscious, and stays charged up, disowned and potent, it may come at you, unexpected, in the form of a crisis, or another persons actions.
Yes, your disowned shadow parts can show itself in the form of another person.
That's one of the first ways to check yourself, and understand yourself a bit more.
How to spot the shadow in you:
Your shadow wants you to become aware of it, and to be accepted.
Just focusing on the light will not make it go away.
Understanding it (you), making peace with it, and integrating it into your life, including the gifts, talents and power that it holds.
It is simply to uncover what was hidden, and slowly healing those aspects of yourself.
Bringing back that power from the hidden depths.
It won't take years, but it is a commitment to your self, only you can do it, and it will help you to become whole.
It may bring up old childhood wounding as you do, but it will show you a whole other side of you. And bringing the hidden, disowned to light helps bring awareness, to something that is a part of you.
Some ways that you can begin:
Review your childhood
Become aware of your shadow
Don't shame it
Use your triggers
observe without judgement
Make peace with your shadow, so you can find peace
It is the highest form of light work you can do.
Notice, be curious, be committed.
We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are. ~ Anais Nin
Meditations and shamanic journeying on this are exceptional in shadow work. Have dialogue, ask what gifts are there as well, in this shadow part. Take back your power.
Know that space of wholeness.
Lightworkers, your clients will thank you as well, for as you become more whole, you allow them that space too. Your world will shift, and the world outside of you will too.
Gentle blessings, my friend.
The Youtube video is good. If you like that, you'll also like Parts work, in IFS (internal Family Systems), by Richard Schwartz. I share his links on my newsletter, or find his talks on Youtube also. In his work, the parts of us we disown are called "Exiles". Here's more ... https://youtu.be/UNtussFaYC0
Here is to your wholeness! I see you!