Some is the best energies to run in
your space (wait, we have choice?!) are the lighter ones, like joy, appreciation, love, compassion, and of course, a oneness, with nature, humanity, the planet, and her spirit, and all things that grow, and thrive on it. Even appreciation for the cosmos, for the unknown, for things beyond our cognizance: the great mystery.
A very good energy to run is a sense of amusement.
It is a light energy, a space of appreciation, untangled from any fixed stance, except not heavy. Not stuck.
If you think of someone “not amused”, what do you think of? Someone who is at the receiving end of a joke at their expense? Being taken advantage of? A fear that someone is getting close to hitting a nerve on a held sacred, or programmed in, belief or value? I think sometimes, not being amused involves not feeling heard, or understood. Failure to shift, to lighten up, is taking a tough stance.

Well, what do you do, until you can get there?
Yes, at some level, it is a choice, of how you wish to run your energy, to color your space.
You could choose to be in amusement, in a tough circumstance, for, let’s say, 3 minutes at a time.
I learned to work with the concept of choosing the type of energy I wish to run in my space at the Berkeley Psychic Institute 40 years ago, and I continue to use it every day. Another great use for having choice; immediate choice, is that sometimes energy climbs into your space that is not yours.
It’s true.
It can be as simple as the mood of the person next to us, as weird as the programming of the media, the television, or even the funky energy that was in the room already before you got there, (like a heated argument, fueled by years of resentment). It can be done unconsciously, or consciously. It can be a stuck entity who is in pain and fear, roaming the halls of the hospital that you are in, visiting a sick friend.
It can be a friend, or a client; your mother, or partner, or, some spirit that lives in your mother, your partner, your friend.
It can be the energy of the land that you are hiking in, or driving past.
That’s why I consider the magical elixir of amusement, to be an important tool in my toolbox.
For example, some heavy, centuries old religious energy sitting in your space, or, perhaps, your friend’s space. The energy just shows up in conversation, when a touchy dogma comes up.
It can feel like a punishment vibration, a “don’t you dare” space.
If that energy is sitting in your aura, or your consciousness, and you are not aware of it’s intrusion, you may deduce that it is your own thoughts, emotions or considerations.
Running a bit of amusement can easily kick out the offending energy. If it’s a being, it may kick it out as well. And finding your own space, well, that is priceless.
In life, as well as in my energy space, sometimes I play by the rules, and sometimes, I don’t.
Some dirty offensive jokes will definitely kick out the uptight, religious energy that jumped in my space!
Choosing to run some amusement energy, to become that, doesn’t mean that you make fun of people, or crack jokes (out loud) at other’s expense.
Amusement is a light way of looking at yourself, your problems, and the world. It is a healing to your body, it is a de-stressor.
Think of a stand up comic, who talks about a heavy subject matter. The audience releases stress that has been sitting in their space, and they can breathe a bit deeper, for a bit. It shows them where they are stuck.
And if you can’t get to amusement (in an ridiculous argument, for example), well, at least you are aware of the ridiculous-ness of the situation. You can take at least one, or possibly two giant steps up the emotional tone scale, to, let’s say,
Neutrality (Or, if you can’t get there yet, the possibility of neutrality).
Notice what starts to happen in your space. Energy flows a bit easier.
You are not taking it so damn seriously.
Which, is a good thing.
You may need to be in action, to get things done. That’s ok. You can create a lot easier from neutrality, or amusement, than you can from stuckness, from resentment, anger, or rage.
It tends to be better for the planet too.
It does not mean, to go into denial, not at all.
You may need to acknowledge what is, at the moment.
That can be some heavy, sticky stuff. Perhaps the rage of most of the planet, or, the intense pain and sadness you just experienced around you. You may need to say hello to your anger. You may need to be aware of the pain that sits just underneath that.
You may need to breathe through it, to give it a voice, to learn from that. It’s important.
And, with the power of that acknowledgement, knowing that you have choice, with your space, and how you wish to create it, you have the choice to change it.
Children are great at this. One minute they are calling their friend a poo-poo head, and crying, stomping their feet, and the next, they are playing together again, in the sandbox. Not as if it never happened, but yeah it did, and now, we’re doing this.
Amusement is the lubricant of the stuck energies in your space.
Neutrality is a crowbar.
These are great tools.
One last story;
and this comes from the years of the Brazilian martial art called Capoeira that I played. (You call it playing your opponent, not fighting. And, although its kicks can be deadly, much of the time, you score “points” by showing that you could have kicked them right there, in their weak place. You hold your foot just an inch from the bodily target, and show….”See?”
Anger, and resentment in that art will do you in. The game is over, if you lose your space to anger. You lose your cool. And your opponent knows it. The audience knows it. And, you know it.
So, you own it, and then move on.
I was shown by my teacher, that when your opponent gains a point, shows you your weak point, in public, that you do not just pretend it never happened. That’s denial, and it cuts the energy. Cuts the flow.
You stop. You acknowledge. Perhaps, you both walk around in the circle for a moment, shake hands, get your amused, neutral groove back, and play some more.
Amusement, not as displacement or avoidance to anger, pain, resentment, fear, etc, but as a conscious decision to be lighter, to operate from that place.
My natural float level on an emotional scale is neutral, happy, upbeat, positive, life affirming.
My meditation practice shows me what it is like to be fully in my space, my body, my energetic field. It doesn’t mean I don’t get angry, sad, fearful, etc, we all do. But, when I am at my center, I am pretty amused, neutral, positive.
And that means the energy is flowing.
You can be in amusement, and also be in your heart. Or, just be in your head. Your choice.
I remember opening the door of my room when I was a teen, and witnessing my toddler nephew, wearing just a diaper, running around in a circle holding the baby powder container upside down, shooting out a spray of it as he was running around in pure joy. He destroyed my room, the rug; it was a white out blizzard. His eyes, and his face, put me into a space of heart filled amusement that I will never forget.
I can also be in amusement, and in my head, in a reading, in an argument, or while protesting something important to me.
When something else comes in, I can clearly notice it. If confused, I can always ask myself, “Is this mine?”
Or, “whose depression is this?”
Or, “how much of this anger is mine?”
In that case, cutting a few energetic cords can help. Your anger is fine. It’s do-able. You can breathe into it, process it, gather some information from it, and choose your reaction, if any.
Perhaps you have no reaction, except to acknowledge it. Most likely, there is something there to teach you. You can release the energy, or use it.
You can decide to keep running it, or shift it to something else, like neutrality, or amusement.
It’s a choosing, not a forcing, although it’s ok sometimes to “fake it till you make it”.
If I am doing a reading, and that person has a nasty, threatening energy sitting in their space, looking at me, I don’t have to match that vibration. I can just as easily see it wearing a pink bunny costume, or dancing to the tune of “YMCA”. It helps me to see all sides of this energy, from a few perspectives. Where did this energy get so stuck?
Conversely, I may have to see myself in that bunny outfit sometimes, complete with fluffy tail, and teeth. The ability to laugh at oneself, is worth more than gold, and keeps your space, flowing, true, and accessible. It helps you to be more wiggly, with your belief systems, and not so stuck. And it’s your stuckness that usually does you in.
What I have experienced about amusement, is if I choose to run that energy through my space, my readings, and the shamanic healing work I do is more powerful, and that the most powerful work takes place when there is ease, and when there is space for it. That’s also when the miracles happen. Don’t take life, (or death) so seriously. It’s not permanent. Be amused, love fiercely, and speak your truth, because this all ends. And, you can take your spirit tools with you, when you go.
Gentle blessings, and here's to diving deep, but staying light,
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copyright HelenaMazzariello/Spiritinjoy 2018