to write about this month’s theme which is
~~~~~~~~~PERMISSION and POSSIBILITIES!!~~~~~~~~
This past month for me has been about taking a step up, owning
my crown, and being accountable to what comes up. I realize also that this
process is the tail end of all of the invisible work that I have been doing. The
noticing of my thinking and feeling of lack, even of my jealousies of others’
success! (I didn’t know that at the time, I just had judgments. HAHA! Good thing
I have a wise inner voice that tells me the truth when it is my ego talking, and
not my highest self).Knowing that there could be something better,
the big dream that I have been working on. I started working on the “what
ifs?” in myself, and started also to prepare myself for those changes that I
wanted. Luck favors the prepared. Sharpen your tools, including the tool of
allowing yourself to have, allowing yourself to be in the sunshine, with
the rest of the people who can have.
That’s where permission
comes in, and that’s where loving yourself comes into play. Oh,
and courage. It will take courage to step up to the plate, lots and lots of
courage. A “plateful” of courage to step up to the plate, and make that home run
for yourself, and for the team!! “What if I can’t do it?” “What if people don’t
like it? What if I lose something, while gaining something else?” These fear based,
and ego based questions will (of course) try to rain on your parade.
Archangel Michael
helps us with courage, and he is the angel to call upon in those
times. Just ask for help, and he will make his presence known. I can feel a
loving presence behind me, or a soft brush on the hairs of my arm,
when I call upon Archangel Michael.It is a
loving, guiding presence; never invasive, and with no agenda.
Sometimes it is just the extra push, or help you need (especially with
synchronicity, and your divine will for yourself!).
Next step=take a deep breath, and do it. Trust
in yourself, in that wise, inner voice of your heart that knows. Ask for
that raise. Take the plunge. Make the call. Speak your mind. Begin. The
possibilities are endless! You are worth it, even if you don’t know exactly
where it will lead you. It may be more wonderful than you could have
It takes someone with a vision of the possibilities to attain new levels of
experience, someone with the courage to live his
I invite you to get a reading, or a healing. Release fear, and give
yourself permission. Love yourself, and ask your angels to support you in
creating that amazing,
juicy life
that’s waiting for you to claim! ~~~Helena