As many of you know, I have been studying shamanism these past few years, with some of the best teachers that I know of. I have been adding these powerful practices with my own psychic reading, and healing profession, and they have worked together quite nicely, one empowering the other.
I am on currently in a teacher training intensive with Sandra Ingerman, and she was my teacher in Soul Retrieval. I am on her worldwide referral list as a practitioner. Wherever you are, there is a qualified shamanic practitioner to do this work.
I have also studied with Betsy Bergstrom, in both Compassionate Depossession, and Curse/thought form unraveling. I have worked with many, many clients in this way, with wonderful results, and can now confidently say that it is one of the services that I provide. Helping people in this way, in readings, healings, and clearings, is a joy for me, that never wanes, and it helps me as well.
I am offering Soul Retrieval, and integration, as a package of 2 sessions. Both of these sessions can be done either in person, or by telephone. I will leave both a weeknight, and a weekend afternoon slot available for this. Please let me know if you are interested, after reading this article. It may resonate with you.
Soul Retrieval is a shamanic technique, to diagnose, say hello to, and gather back, a piece, or pieces of someone’s soul, that has been apart from them, in a non-ordinary reality. The practitioner does this with the use of his guides, in a safe and sacred setting, while in a light trance, usually in the sanctity of their professional space. There are many, many shamanic cultures throughout the world, and each one uses this technique. For some cultures, it is a community affair, with much celebration, as the client gets healed, and is made whole. They are there to welcome them home.
Why would a person want a soul retrieval?
Many people go through life, feeling as if something is missing in their lives, as if they are not all there.
Some people are stricken with poor health, just one chronic malady after another.
The shamanic world believes that all major illness in a person stems from soul loss.
Soul loss can happen because of trauma, experienced in a person’s life, most times as a child. This trauma can be as serious as abuse, in its many forms, or incest. It can be from a car accident, or a fall. A person will leave, or a piece of them will leave, as a survival mechanism, as a form of safety. No one wants to experience what happens just after the car they are passenger in hits the wall, (or, when the father they love hits them yet another time).
It can be as benign as a small boy, not wanting to move from the family home he loves so much as a boy, to a strange and distant place. He leaves a piece of his soul in the safety of the tree fort, or his bedroom.
It can be because the child interpreted the situation as devastating, such as a move, or words said to them, or a perceived trauma.
There is also the situation where someone takes a piece of someone else: they take a piece of their soul to keep for themselves. It could be because of the energy of the person being victimized, it can be because of a family or a marriage breakup (You will always be with me, I will always have you, etc)
It can be because of black magic, witchcraft, or even a long standing family curse, such as families fighting over property, or vindications that have lasted generations. There are many different cultures on this blessed planet of ours, and taking a piece of someone can be a way of family control, marriage control, or parasitic individuals who unconsciously feed off of the energy of others, such as a classic case of narcissistic abuse.
The client has willingly given him/herself away out of love, out of fear, etc.
Many health workers, and care practitioners, and healers have the situation with their clientele, if they do not have good boundaries.
Ill health, and major depression, chronic depression can be the result of living a life with missing soul fragments. Or it may seem like we have continuous bad luck.
I believe we all have this to some extent. We can be living our lives running only on 3 cylinders instead of 4, if I may use an engine metaphor. Our whole system gets sluggish, and we lose some of the light that is us, our full capacity to be present, to live our lives, and to accomplish what it is that we came here to do.
The person receiving their soul fragment back may experience a sense of well being, of lightness, and love, as it integrates into them, they may also experience a sense of sadness, as things shift in them.
The actual journey to retrieve someone’s soul fragment, and place it back into the client is a relatively simple task, and they stay in a gentle healing space of absorbing all that luminous, divine light, for a while longer. It is an amazing healing experience, and one will be transformed from it. At the same time, the work to integrate is just beginning. Old beliefs may come up to be changed, old, worn out ways of being make themselves known, and the true passions of the person start to show themselves, long subdued, long deferred. A new you is emerging.
This is why it is important, when having this healing modality done for oneself, to give time, and space for re-emerging, into your new life. You cannot have a soul retrieval because you have been in abusive relationships, and then continue to stay in one. You cannot life your life as it were, running on only 3 cylinders, now that you have more power.
This is why I would like to offer my work as a package, with a soul retrieval, as a package of two meetings, with writing, and guided meditations, to help guide you gently on your new path.
Years of taking the old path has left a deep groove in the earth, and we will work to get you on a truer path, one that your spirit knows is right for you.
If you are interested in learning more about this shamanic heaing method, my teacher Sandra Ingerman has written a wonderful, and concise book, which has even been updated to fit the changing times, and after her hundreds of cases. Her book is “Soul Retrieval”. There is another one, called “Welcome home”. They are worth the read, and are written well.
Please let me know, if you have any questions, or need more information.
[email protected]
blessings, and may you walk in beauty
PS: One day, I saw this post about a Japanese art form, and philosophy, which I find loving, pertinent, and true for me.
Kintsukuroi, means “to repair with gold”; the art of repairing pottery with gold or silver laquer, and understanding that the piece is more beautiful for having been broken.
Here’s to the safe, and loving return, of our missing Soul fragments.
Welcome home!