Your spiritual sovereignty is your ticket to freedom, whether it means removing the stigma of imposed religions (like being born with original sin, for example, or of having an attached entity, because of your family of origin).
It means declaring your freedom from old, outdated contracts and agreements, and your inherent power to do so. This can mean from a cult, from a cultures belief system, and genetic programming. It can be from the hysteria and fear of the media, or simply from giving your power away.
It can have to do with our bodies. Being in a state of sovereignty, means coming from our grounded center, and owning our space. Having choice, as to which emotion, or thoughts to have, or, even simpler, the right to be in our bodies fully. Being the only one who inhabits our space, our center of head, and our energetic field. It is our divine right.
Being aware of that, puts us in a state of calm, of a focused, yet relaxed awareness. This is the brains limbic state of safe, of rest/digest (vs. fight/flight/freeze/collapse. Our bodies function much better this way, and heal themselves. And if we are alerted to danger, and need to be in fight or flight mode, a place of calm power, choice, and access to resources is the place we want to come from.
It is a clear connection to your higher self; it is your right to control your space, and who gets in. It is your right to let go of old past traumas, agreements, contracts and cords. Of old spirit guides, or attachments that either don’t serve us anymore, or were never our intention.
Owning it like a boss.
That could mean todays political climate, or the media, or perhaps gender based, or spiritual programming, or it could mean demanding the clearing of lower vibrational entities that have been living in your space, feeding off of you quietly (or not so quietly) for years.
Our embodied sovereignty, what does it look like? There is no need to be fearful, defensive, or reactive, when we own our crown. We are self referencing. We are whole, and coherent, even in our imperfections. We can own, and access our mind, our heart, our genitals, our bodies. We naturally have a healthy attachment to our community, as this is our birthright also. We, in our sovereign state have access to resources, to others, because we are a part of that hive mind as well. This is important, because it still means we have our autonomy, and come from our own self governance, and yet, part of our health as humans involves inclusiveness.
Just as part of the space of love, is allowing yourself to be loved, part of owning your own space, involves seeing others as whole, as divine light, and as sovereign and complete.
And, while this may all sound rather heady, it is the basis of the work I do, which is spiritual.
When I give someone a Spirit to Spirit hello, (or acknowledgement), I see them in their sovereignty. That is a powerful space, and sometimes, it is that hello, which unlocks their own power to heal themselves. I was taught, in my psychic studies, “Heal the spirit, and spirit will heal the body”.
Spirit can also heal the spirit.
That Hello, can help someone when I’m doing an entity releasement, (removing a being, or assisting them, in finding their proper dwelling). You are a sovereign being.
This is so powerful to witness, as a spirit realizes this freedom, this choice, and uses it to exorcize themselves, like a crowbar, from something, that has not worked for them for a very, very, long time.
It can be an old contract, like a vow of poverty, or a guilt picture in their space that keeps them vibrating at a much lower vibration, than their bodies want. It can be like not getting enough oxygen with each breath, and then realizing that you can change that. You have choice.
In the work I do with compassionate depossession, and spirit release, the stuck being may need to hear that hello. A reminder that they have their own sovereignty, and they can leave, and get on with their own evolution is germane in this healing process. Some spirits are stuck, literally bound, by agreement. They may be in your space, bothering you, without being aware that they have other choices.
And here you are in effort, trying to release these energies from your space, thinking that they are out to get you!
What a strange, and fascinating paradigm shift.
For some people, the loss of them truly owning their space involves past time, and even past life constraints. Are we as humans really slaves on this planet from other life forms (like the Annunaki, and other control beings) or, can we demand our freedom, and declare autonomy from those old, life force sucking, outdated scripts.
Yes, it does sound like a science fiction movie, sometimes! But here we are, in these beautiful human bodies, entering a new space of light love, and interconnectedness, in the emerging 5th dimension. It’s time to declare ourselves free, and in the present time.
The first step in freeing ourselves, and becoming autonomous beings, connected to our higher selves, and each other, is to get into our bodies, and own them, love them, and lovingly protect them. It’s ok to ask for help, but remember who is boss.
There are many tools to use to own your space, and many declarations to address the completing of old contracts, agreements, and attachments. You will feel very different after doing them and it is advised to step up your vibration, and your protections, afterwards. Let them become a daily discipline that you work into your energy hygiene.
Speaking, living, choosing, loving, being a human in a space of embodied sovereignty is, after all, your birthright. It is the difference of living fully, and consciously, with choice, connected with source, and in present time, or, of living in the past, with other people’s limits, and choices. We may not even be aware of the extent of our possibilities.
Your sovereign seat is awaiting you.
Practice makes perfect.
I will include here a few declarations you can use, but there are many. You can devise one of your own, as well.
With much love,
gentle blessings, and a
Spirit to Spirit Hello!
With All of my intention, I hereby declare my Sovereignty and I foreclose, nullify and cancel All contracts and All agreements with All Entities throughout All of My Lives, in All Dimensions and in All Timelines. It is done. So mote it be. In this moment, the I that I Am, agrees to interact only with the most benevolent, service-to-others Entities within the MultiVerse. This declaration carries My energy signature as my binding stamp. [To use this declaration for your own purposes, you must retype the declaration accompanied by your own intention and signed with your own energy stamp]
Here is one on Youtube, that is simple, and good.
Or, read this one from Alchemy Sanctum:
Oh, and this one is just lovely, from Lightlover journal (and how can you not like the name!)
Here is a link to an amazing meditation video on Youtube, on cutting cords, attachments, and agreements, by the meditation queen, Madeline Rinehart.
And here, is a wonderful declaration, on Youtube of "I AM a sovereign being", from Twisted Sage. (His work is excellent, his website is Twisted
(Here is the last blog on your word, and your power). Remember, your
word is law in your universe. Use it.
copyright Helena Mazzariello/Spiritinjoy 2018