Albert Camus
How wonderful to be on this glorious Earth of ours and witness her changing seasons! I can feel the changes in myself also. I invite you to use this time to create change for yourself as well. It can be a change in the scenery, such as going for a long walk everyday in nature, or in your body, and how you love, and care for it. It could be in your relationships, such as spending more quiet time alone every day, or getting out and doing things and being more social. You could create a ritual for yourself, and let the changes of the earth mirror yours.
We are gardening less, but pruning, and cutting back more. Because I love the sun so much, and can feel it slowly waning, I have been meditating outside more, and that has been my fall ritual, and it has been really good.
So usually I meditate in the evenings. I tend to do more energy work and readings then as well. But with the seasons changing, and me loving that sun so much, I am outside more now, and really enjoying how it makes me feel. When I meditate and clean my space earlier, my day goes smoother, calmer, with a sprinkling of magic, elegance, and deep, grounded, healing. Being outside, I can smell the fall in the air, and it puts me in present time, in a sensual, body affirming way.
Another seasonal ritual that appears to be happening is that people are calling me that I haven’t talked to in ages. How wonderful! I think of someone, and then they call me out of the blue! It seems that our intentions are manifesting faster in our world right now (culminating 12/21/12), and either our lives are falling apart, or we are surfing the ocean of the Laws of Attraction. It is so important to meditate more now, to release the old, past time beliefs, and worn out programming, to be able to accept the higher frequencies that are occuring now. No better time than the present to heal yourself, as we (as a team) are propelling ourselves into a new era. Work with your Angels, your guides, and your Higher Self, and co create these changes, instead of being a victim to them. Do create your fall ritual in a space of manifesting, and miracles, because they (miracles) are all around us, and because you are so loved (Have you noticed lately?). Create a lovely ritual, to honor the changing earth, and the changing you, and your one wild and precious life! Helena Mazzariello