It actually comes from "AVRA KHEDAVRA" from the Aramaic (ancient language spoken in the time of, and at
the place when Jesus lived on the earth). It means “what was said has been done”, or “as I speak, so shall I create”.
Your word is law in your universe. You create as you speak, and
what comes out of your mouth is your magic (or your curse). What do you say about yourself? What are your stories? Are you telling the same stories over and over, (how you never find a good relationship, for example, or get ahead in your career, or how your circumstances keep you from having what you want in your life?
In the same light, a validating and positive attitude of your
life, and journey, and speaking about your dreams in an empowering way, allows
your brain and being to help you bring it into your reality.
Your thoughts and beliefs not only create the fabric of your world, but your Higher Self, and your
“Higher Ups “can conspire to help you.The universe is your waiter, and will
bring you your order, to a “T”, just as you and your beliefs have requested!
Your thoughts and beliefs are a mold for your attitude, and your reality will
recreate that world for you! It is when you start to become conscious of the
thoughts, judgments, and self imposed limits in your mind, and in your speech,
that the alchemical change can take place. The repetition of the self effacing,
negative and disempowering thoughts and beliefs are behind the words that keep
you stuck. If you want to go in the other direction, use repetitive, self
empowering, life and love affirming affirmations, in your thoughts, and speech.
Methods like self hypnosis, EFT (emotional freedom technique), and creative
visualization are absolutely incredible tools that can help you to re-groove
those neurons and synapses into empowering, compassionate, self affirming, and
life affirming pathways. You can also ask for help from the Angels, and use them
for healings in your daily meditation practice. Your transformation will be
gradual, and will require persistence. Letting go of some of your stories, can
be scary sometimes. We are so invested in them. Who would we be without them?
Who could we be? Don’t be discouraged; keep at it, and remember to talk about
your new world, to tell your stories in this new light. Speak about others, and
see them, too, in this light. Can your new stories lift your vibrations up to
that feeling good place? Stories full of possibilities, magic, and success, with
you in them, creating from joy. Soon you will be feeling it, and creating more
of it. Feeling, thinking, speaking, and creating your life, that one, wild, and
precious life of yours!
If you don’t like something change it; if you can’t change it,
change the way you think about it. ~Mary Engelbreit
I invite you to come and get a reading, a healing, for clarity, insight, answers, and
communication on your creations. You can always get
a reading over the phone, or in person @ Angel Light Books and Gifts in Berkeley!
"TAKING RISKS ~ today I will ask God to help me begin to
take healthy risks. I will ask for assistance in letting go of my fear of
failure... and success. I will ask for help in fully living my life so that I
can start experiencing all the wonderful parts of my journey."
(From the Language of Letting Go cards ~ Melody Beattie)
"CLEAR OUT THE DEBRIS ~ today’s lesson: Engage in psychic
cleansing. How much debris do you carry in your energy field? Debris is
generated by irritation, stress, unfinished business, and mental &
emotional toxins. It's distracting & disempowering to the healing process.
Your goal: to release unnecessary thoughts & emotions."
(From 'Wisdom for Healing" cards by Caroline Myss)