It’s a wonderful feeling, to gather yourself up into the only place where you have power (the present moment), and also, to just let go, forgive, and complete. Yes, forgiving yourself, and others breaks those cords, and frees you from the past, and also frees you to be who you wish. Without doing so, you end up telling yourself (and others) the same, old, stale, stories about why things are the way they are, and why you can’t ………... in your life.
We’re going to pull back our energy, from all the incompletes.
It’s the same with the world of things, as in decluttering, and simplifying your life, but with our meditation, it’s the energy that we work first.
We leave some of ourselves in unfinished projects. We leave some of ourselves trying to fix a relationship. We leave some, in resistance to something we are afraid of. We leave some of our energy, when we do not forgive someone.
When we hold on to grudges, there is an energetic cost, and we also get stuck in time, holding on to the story. Indeed, forgiveness of both petty greivences, and larger hurts, really frees us, not only the other person, or situation.
Forgiveness is a powerful force, that we gift ourselves. It’s a peace, and a freedom.
The compassion that emerges can only help us, as well.
The other places, in the past year, where we have left our life force, and where we will gather it back to us, is the small things in our lives; our electronic devices, in our jobs, in our daily commutes, in our list of things to do. It was in our checking account, in our jewelry, and in that project we never finished. Your energy can be lodged in a traumatic event, or a happy one, or in one that left you upset, and that you have been stuck in pain about, that you haven’t been able to forgive.
Imagine that the whole of you equals 10 cups of water.
We maybe have 6 or 7 cups available, and 3 or so that are not, because they are locked in the past, (or maybe some in the future?).
OK, let’s do that meditation now, and complete the past year, and pull your energy out of it.
Just breathe.
Take a few deep breaths, and slow down, and get into a comfortable meditative space.
Breathe, and relax your body, however long you need. Be in your body, right behind your eyes, in that room inside your head.
When I do this healing meditation, I use my breath, to pull my energy back to me. I command it back, in a simple, and no effort space. I may see it, coming back, and perhaps not.
On the inbreath, I pull my energy back, and gather it up in a ball, right above my head, about 6-8 inches, in my 8th chakra. I like to imagine a golden ball, and let my energy come back to me there, as clear, neutral liquid, like water. My ball is also like a bucket, because when it gets full, I dump it down, from the top of my head, and it pours all over me, saturating me with this life force substance, that is me. It fills my head, neck, spine, hips, and runs down until my feet. It is my own energy coming back to me, and it feels great! I feel lighter, and clearer, than before. I also feel happier, and peaceful, as I am contained in my body, and not so scattered. I use this imagery everyday, to gather myself back up.
In your minds eye, you may see all the things you did, where your energy was spent, emotionally, physically, mentally. You may just see colors showing up. Or see things written on it, or perhaps pictures of things from January showing up, like work, or events, or even doctor, or dentist appts. Perhaps you had a cold, or perhaps an argument with a friend. Maybe you started something and didn’t complete it, and maybe something happened, that made you upset. Maybe you purchased a great new item. Or perhaps lost a great item.
Go through each week, slowly, of January, and pull your energy out of it. You are going to complete January, including forgiving all that have hurt you in some way, even if it is a perceived hurt. Maybe you need to forgive yourself for something, and pull your energy out of the situation. Complete it. It may appear flattened, or faded, as you gather yourself out of it, and inhale back your energy, your life force, your power. Inhale it back, from week one, week two, week three, and week four.
Now you have filled that golden ball above your head with simple life force. So filled, it is engorged. Now bring that sun down, into your space, whether it is like dumping a bucket of water onto you, in one big Splash! Or, a like a shower of warm, soothing energy. Take your time on this, maybe a very slow deep exhale, like 10 seconds.
Let it fill into every muscle, and organ, and bone, and into every cell, expanding even into the space in between your cells, filling you, and completing you.
Feel how good this feels!
Now, imagine tearing off this first page of the calendar, and destroying it somehow, like burning it, or ripping it up. It is done, and complete, and you have vacated it. You have your energy in you now, and it feels really good!
Let’s do the same thing with February. Each week, the first, second, third, and fourth, fills up, and shows you where you left yourself, or where you need to forgive, to let go, to pull your energy out of it. Once again, fill up, above your head, with a long inhale, and when you have done all of February, you can say “It is done. It is completed.”
Now, once again, bring into your space, this very full ball of your own clear, neutral energy. Dump it down, slowly, with a long exhale.
Spirit knows how to do this, as this is a spirit tool. Don’t worry, you are doing it right. Let go, complete, forgive, come back into present time.
Tear off the calendar page of February, and destroy it.
Now you can do March.
And April.
And May.
June, July,
and August. Completing, gathering up, and letting go.
December, each week, until the last week. Inhale your energy back, and do a long, slow exhale, and fill yourself up, with a big, golden sun of your own energy. Destroy the last page of the calendar.
How nice to have your space in present time!
Completing, and pulling your energy out of something, is a wonderful healing, it feels great, and it is easier to run your motor on all its cylinders, to be fully functioning. You can use this tool whenever you need to, even daily.
You can pull your energy out of situations, objects, relationships, people! I find that I will leave some of my life force when I am resisting things. Gathering myself up and out of it helps me to become more neutral to it, as well.
This is a wonderful tool for you, for your spirit tool box.
I teach these, and many more tools in my meditation classes. I hope you will join me in one, either online, or in person.
Enjoy your new space! If you do this right before you are going to bed, you may have too much energy, and will find it hard to sleep. I recommend then, to stand, or sit, and put your hands on the floor, and tip your head towards the ground for a few seconds. The extra will slide down into the earth, and you will feel calmer.
Many blessings on this new year of possibilities!
I hope you create your hearts desire! ~ Helena
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Helena Mazzariello copyright 2017