(Or, burning off the fog bank) to get to the goodies.
In teaching basic meditation 1, Psychic skills class, it is easy to forget to practice every day, because you usually need to break through a layer of fog, called unconscious energy. It is not painful, it’s more like a brain fog, or a fuzzy sleepy feeling”. Sometimes it is a rush of energy…needing to do everything on your chore list first, or, having the environment be perfect.
Like procrastination, it keeps you from settling down, and sitting with what is.
And that sitting with what is, can be a mere few seconds of some emotional discomfort, or, an awareness.
Sometimes is is an emotionally charged “picture”, that’s floating around in your aura.
When you get past that unconsciousness, and start to meditate, and start to clear your space, you “burn off” some of that unconsciousness, the way that the sun will burn off the fog belt, in the bay area coast where I live.
Even after you have gotten into the habit of daily meditation , or “running energy”, even with your best disciplines, you most likely will hit that energy.
Don’t worry, lol, you get used to it. After a few minutes of your chattering thoughts, and your squirming body, your spirit starts to come back into the body from wherever it was. Perhaps it was in the past, or the future, or still at work, or stuck on a pain picture.
I promise you, that your patience will pay off, and you will start coming in for a landing, back into that beautiful body of yours. You will get a sweet healing, and become much clearer, and grounded than before.
You will start to release that fuzzy unconscious energy, and your body will start to settle down. Soon the avoidance of looking at a piece of pain that you have, or, an awareness of truth, will lessen, and you will make a landing, into your body, like an experienced pilot lands his small plane.
And that is where the magic happens.
Sometimes, all I can do is sit there, with my eyes closed, getting ready to meditate, and explode roses for unconscious energy. Blow roses* for procrastination.
Blow roses* for the fact that someone else energy jumped into my space, and it kicked me out a little.
Don’t resist, just blow roses*. Don’t try. Don’t judge. Just start running your energy, and be patient.
Don’t believe all the thoughts and emotions that you are receiving. Don’t match the energy of unconsciousness. Don’t go to sleep. Don’t eat a box of cookies instead of running your energy.
(Save them as a treat, for afterward, when you are feeling clear, energized, and embodied. Then you can share them with a friend)!
You lose it, you find it, you lose it again. No problem.
Don’t forget to laugh at yourself, to be patient, as your spirit comes in for a landing.
And yes, those golden suns, and blowing roses will burn off the grey “fog bank’ of energy.
It is so worth it, for the clarity, neutrality, grounding, and the lightness of being you will have afterwards.
Your body will trust you more, and the foreign energy will run! Well, ok, maybe the foreign energy will slink away, giving you the stink eye, but hey, it will be gone!
Another gift of flying in through the fog bank of energy, is that perhaps that uncomfortable emotion, or painful picture has a message for you, and acknowledging it could be important, or freeing, or both.
It could be nothing more than some sadness in your space. Or, someone else sadness in your space. Or competition. Or a being. Keep blowing roses. Give a nice, big, fat hello to it!
Hello! Hello someone else's harsh competition energy! I always go into pain and guilt about it because of my childhood wounding, and try to heal it. Let me just sit with that for a moment. Let me de-charge all of that. (I am not matching the energy, I am just noticing, and acknowledging). Blowing roses.
So, that is what all the fuss is about? Some womans competition threw me off center, because it reminded me of something 50 years ago?
Blowing roses, for the initial pain from when I was a young child, and thought I would get abandoned.
Fog bank is lifting. I can feel the relief, to lighten the load of a very stuck picture, a very old one. Now I have some freedom, and some wiggle room.
Filling up with my own energy now. The meditation is going smoother, and I can come back in for a landing.
The woman throwing competition is not a threat, or even a bother, as I have many choices now. I can be amused. I can be neutral. I can hum a tune as I move her energy out of my space.
It didn’t have much to do with me anyway, it had to do with her own wounding.
That gives me a lot more room to be, and a lot more clarity, and forgiveness.
Still running energy, and blowing roses. It is starting to feel so clear, with the energy flowing through my channels.
My third chakra, my stomach area, feels so much more at ease.
I can even laugh at myself, as I end my meditation, and energy work. My channels feel clear, as does my spinning chakras, and I feel happily planted in my body.
Filling up with another golden sun to replenish, and I will end my meditation.
And hey, weren’t there some cookies? Lol
Enjoy your day, and enjoy getting clear!
Remember to stay in patience, and kindergarten, and run your energy everyday!
If you don’t know this form of running energy meditation, I highly recommend it. I teach it frequently (check the website), and there are many other practitioners who do also.
*Blowing roses is a term created by founder Lewis Bostwick, who uses an image of a rose, to hold the energy of something, either to look at it in neutrality, or to decharge the energy of it, by exploding it, sometimes repeatedly.
destroying the charge on it can help in numerous ways.
Time to take a class, or sit, and use your tools?
The possibilities are endless.
helenamazzariello/spiritinjoycopyright 2020
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