The fog rolls in, and the clarity of our initial intention
gets muffled. Suddenly, a nap sounds good,
or, you wait until it’s almost too late, and then castigate yourself, or worse
yet, blame others for not creating that thing you want, starting that program,
painting, class, conversation.
As we become clear on our life purpose, even
the smaller chapters have a sense of intention, of being consciously driven.
Sometimes the reason is not clear at first, but as you look at the bigger
picture, things start to make sense.
When we know who we are, and what
Divine gifts we have to offer, our life has more meaning;
we start to live “on purpose”. If
it’s denied, thwarted, or submerged, it can feel like we are floating aimlessly
in a paddle-less canoe. When we are in harmony with our higher power, our life
reflects it, and opportunities start to present themselves, and creating is
fun, and effortless.
There are so many little obstacles that can get in our
way, and cause us to go unconscious, and actually work against us taking our
little steps to our one, wild, and wonderful life. We can hit a fear, or a pain
picture, and go a bit unconscious, and have trouble making a decision. Losing
our boundaries to other’s wishes, desires, and fears, is also a factor, and we
can lose our space. When you can’t say a firm “no” to other choices, it’s hard
to make the time. Being ungrounded, spacey, or out of our bodies, can keep us
unmotivated, and easily programmed by other people, other beings,
even our own
“mental gremlin”.
Thinking will not overcome fear, but action will
~ W. Clement Stone
Know what you want, both the big picture, and the small steps. Keep it in your consciousness, by thinking about it with excitement,
as if it’s already happening.
Show it to your spirit in your daily meditations.
Ask your Angels for help in creating your boundaries, and in helping you
achieve your goal. You can also ask for help in lifting the fog cloud, the
unconsciousness, that can creep in sometimes. Don’t be afraid to look and see
if there’s anything underneath that fog in the form of your own (or, sometimes
other peoples) fears, and considerations, and address it, own it, or release
it. Replace it with clarity, inspiration, dedication, discipline. Then, start
showing up. Start acting as if, until it starts to become a habit, until you
own it for yourself and it becomes the norm. Don’t forget to
lavish yourself
with praise on taking that first step! "Great job!
I am so proud of
Getting stuck is all a part of the process of creating
your one wild and precious life.
Sometimes you’re the culprit,
sometimes it’s just energy.
Sometimes it is the fears,
desires, or energy of others. Decide that it’s ok to have what you want;
you deserve it.
An ounce of action, is worth a ton of theory.
~Friedrich Engels
This is a great theme for a reading!
Get a hello on your projects, goals, and dreams, and let’s look at the
energy surrounding them. You
can get a healing on them as well, and move out some stuck energy, a fear
picture, or a punishment picture, or unconscious energy,
so you can get out of the rut, and into the groove!