I love the place where the shamanism I am practicing, and the psychic skills I use, intersect. And where they do, they do so in a most elelegant dance. One of my teachers, Sandra Ingerman, says that shamans are gardeners of energy.
It makes perfect sense as a gardener in real time, with patience, and a knowingness, and being one part in the web of life, you have an influence in the world.
With your psychic skills, you do that too, as you work with the energies in and around you; the definition of the word "psyche" means of the soul.
We learn to "set" the energy of a room, or, of an evening, a task, or a creation. We learn both to adapt neutrally, and also, to influence, also, neutrally.
The ability to choose, is energetic freedom. Here's an example.
It's wonderful and refreshing, when you are in a room with people, and it has become a bit boring, or stuffy, or tense, and then someone walks in, whistling, or laughing, or dancing; and fills the room with levity for a moment, and then, everyone looks up.
Perhaps they all look up from their phones, for example, where they were just aimlessly killing time, or avoiding being in the room. The person walking in didn't notice the stale, or boring funk in the room, or, just didn't care. Perhaps they were inspired, or just heard good news, or, like a child, just be-ing, a natural, energetic float level of joy.
So here is this room of people, and the energy has found itself set at bland, or bored, and then there is a shift, or change. You have a choice now, to change, to adapt, or to stay the same. It is as if an invisible invitation is sent to you, to lighten up, if you want.
So, in this room of, let's say 6 people, one or two decide to stay the same, and go back to their phone apps, or avoid eye contact. Some, let's say one or two, decide to laugh, with the other, or to lighten up. there is now, a visible shift of energy. Something's different, and for some reason, the act of choosing how you set your space, seems a bit more pliable..
Because we are humans, because we are a social species, we are used to adapting. There is a flow.
There will also be the one, or two, who wish to stay the same. Perhaps they set the energy of the room at serious, or distant. They will either ignore the change, or resist the new change, and be "in resistance", (which is it's own energy signature. It's not very fun, and uses up a lot of your life force. It makes your space rigid, to keep that stance up, and the energy doesn't flow so well).
One of the basic tools in a good psychic skills course, is neutrality; being neutral to the energies in you, and around you.
We get charged up energetically to things all day long. Some things are perfectly valid, and keep you alive, sane, and healthy.
And some things just control you, if you over-feel things, or, if the outside worlds doings resonate with some emotionally charged picture in your space, from the past. Or, a very lodged, stuck belief, either yours, or someone elses, keeping you from being neutral, and just being an energy gardener.
Working the energy of the charged pictures can mean imagining putting them in a mental image picture of a rose, and then, simply destroying that rose; it will undo a few layers of stuck, past emotions, like layers of an onion, or, like many layers of paint on a piece of furniture, or a wall. Blow it up, again, and again. Or, make up a different version...melt them down, etc. I do love to explode them though! After a while, I can really feel the difference, as I become more neutral, and I have more room for me.
Working those charged up pictures that live in your space, working the energy of them, releasing all those layers of stuff, whether yours, or another, is a lifelong, and very worthwhile task, and will change you, enlighten you, and give you incredible freedom.
Freedom to choose how you wish to vibrate.
The freedom of choice.
The energy of neutrality, is a gift you give yourself.
It's not that you don't ever feel something strongly, or, that you don't allow yourself to feel the heights, and the lows of human joy, longing, pain, anger, grief, inspiration, etc. It is the freedom to choose.
And that brings us to our crowns, on the top of our head. We use this center to create from, in who we wish to be. Our ownership of our space.
The difference between having boredom, and being boredom.
So let's look at this room of people again, and let's be gardeners of energy.
If you were in the room of flat, boring, energy, (let's imagine it as a dark grey), and you wanted to change it. Did you just want to change it for your self? Perhaps it is ok to let the distant people stay distant. You could, acknowledge what is, and just let it be for a moment. Be neutral to it.
And then, using your crown chakra, become something different. Perhaps, to be joyous, or enthused, and perhaps a bit social. It's a bit like putting on a different hat. Let's use a color for our example: how about a tangerine orange color, with a hello in it?
So, just like the person who walked into the room who was happy, and social, you can change your vibration, just as you sit there, with the others.
I might create a large orange bubble in the room, filled with a simple energetic hello to the others as spirit, and psychically invite anyone else in the room to join me, if they wish.
If they wish, not forcing, or expecting. Being neutral to what is, and yet, influencing the room, with the utter simplicity of how you are running your energy. Of how you are setting your energy, for yourself.
Of how you are setting the energy of the room.
Are you grounded? Have you grounded the room separately? Giving the room a connection to the planet, set on release, of extra energy?
So, there you are, radiating orange, in a room set at dark grey. You have offered them a Hello! I see you! Want to join?*
* I am reminded of Caroline Casey, in her show, "Visionary Activism", where she discusses the hierarchy of wolves, in nature. The natural leader of a pack, even as a puppy, shows a tendency to play, and not to fight, or be aggressive. It is inclusive. That, "Woof Woof, wanna play?" energetic signature works in humans as well. Not just for play. You could do the same with the vibration of "This here is deemed sacred space, this is a ceremony", or, "This is set now as a calm vibration, very mental, how nice for studying". There is also, "This is set as a sexual, and playful space", or "This is safe space, we can be vulnerable here".
Nature shows this to us constantly, if we were to quiet ourselves enough to listen. It invites us to set space to match its majesty, it's elemental playfulness, or it's stoic reverence.
I was hiking once, and ran quickly down a rather steep hill, because I heard running water, hidden by the trees. When I arrived, loudly pushing branches aside, I was greeted by a cow, that gave me a look. I glanced around, to see that there were others there, and the feeling was somber. There was also a dead cow there, and the others were nearby. As much as I wanted to play in the newfound stream, nature was telling me that the space was set at quiet, at reverence, and perhaps I should take my happy go lucky somewhere else. They had set space differently, and I respected that, and left.
We are not apart from nature; we are nature.
So, back to the room, set at dark grey, and also, now, at orange, with a hello.
Just continue to be, and own your space at orange, while allowing the grey energy to be there as well. Some people will happily match this new vibration, a few will stay at grey. Some one may resist the change, and that's ok too.
That energy, that place, of being neutral to another who is resisting you, or your new energy, or you changing, is so important. This is your freedom, and a step to becoming who you are truly meant to be.
It may be uncomfortable, for a moment, but just breathe through it, and be neutral. Of course, at some point, they can change, and accept the new energy, or the change, but you are to be unapologetic in your emerging.
Unapologetic, neutral, setting the energy of your new space, a space of your choosing.
Nature does this all the time.
So, have fun in the room being orange, for a while, and meet some new people. You can set space for an hour, or a day, or a class, or ceremony, or only in the library.
You can change it whenever you wish. Setting space is a tool, in your toolbox.
This is also what happens when you do a house healing, for your own house, or for another.
Notice each room, and how the energy is set.
There may be other energies present, setting space, including the spirit of the land, or the building, or the occupants from years back. Notice, say hello, perhaps understand, and then re-set it, in present time.
Setting space comes in all forms. It can be a long, beautiful ceremony, with sage, and essential oils and the vibration of bells, or singing, or, just you, silently, with, or without your guides, and helpers.
It may be that you discover, that you have inadvertently set the energy of your commute to work at mentally complaining, angry thoughts, and unconsciousness, and not too much choice.
Again, notice, be neutral, say hello, and become. Influence, instead of adapt, by simply being present. Then you can re-set the energy, as you wish, without sage, or any bells and whistles. Maybe laughing at yourself can lighten the load, and help you get out of resistance, or, the old pattern you had it set at.
Even simpler, forget the steps, and transfigure, just be. Be love, be light, be golden. Others, the environment, even the nature around you will be in the path of change, of re-set, at more light.
Had I known that shamanic tool, (another tool taught to me by Sandra Ingerman) when I was at the ravine, I would've just sat on the ground, and become light, and offered it to the earth there, and the cows in mourning.
Influence, adapt, influence, adapt. Influence, adapt,
in neutrality, and in choice.
Just like nature.
I wish you a beautiful day, set at the energy of your choosing, in a room filled with the energy of something very healing, in affinity with that precious, and beautiful body of yours,
gentle blessings,
copyright HelenaMazzariello/Spiritinjoy 2019