(sometimes delusional) optimist, is that one has a better relationship to spirit.
The need for magic, I believe, is both human, and healthy.
I read an article the other day on “The Secret”, and the law of attraction, by a man (author Mark Manson) that thought it was a “staggering failure”.Actually, he said it was "staggering bullshit". I took the time to read it, because I have been using these philosophies in my life, and teaching it to others for years now, and while it can have it’s weak points, is one of the best foundational anchors I have found to create your reality in a healthy, and transformative way.
I read the article, and let it simmer for a day or two, while I thought about it.
He basically stated that the law of attraction puts people in a state of delusional positivity, keeping them from seeing the concrete truths (of lack, or the doomed relationship etc), and making informative decision making from there. He also stated that it is narcissistic, egocentric, and leads to people not taking action, based on their belief that “the universe has my back”.
Obviously, his article is longer, and more intricate than that, and I will post the link here for you.
What I did agree with, is that it can keep people only creating “things” for themselves, as opposed to growing, and transforming, or taking large risks based on the ability to feel stuck, cornered, and having nothing else to lose. Discontent is the beginning of change, in many instances.
Yes, action is the key. But not just any action, “inspired action”. There’s a difference. Not "grinding" action. Not inaction, coming from a place of fear, unworthiness, unconsciousness, or laziness.
Inspired action comes from a place of believing in the inherent good of the universe, and in ourselves. There is a little sparkle to it, a little magic.
Pronoia is the opposite of paranoia, the belief that the universe has your back, and is conspiring to help you.
This is opposed to the universe is a cold place that doesn’t care about you, and would just as soon eat you to make way for something better.
The need for magic, I believe, is both human, and healthy.
This brings me to another point about the man’s article. He never used the word spirit.
Yes, there is a real need to see your reality, for the truth that it shows you at the moment, and get off your duff, and do something about it. Yes, clearly. But the world of spirit does not have the boundaries of this dimension, including our analyzer, and our intense need to have it shown to us in front of our noses, for us to believe it. There is also some aspect of the mysteries of the universe, that keep me scratching my head in wonder, awe, and in a sense, puts my capacities into a tiny, human perspective. Spirit can do in an instant, what my human intentions could not muster up, or even think of, in a lifetime of years, let alone create. That’s why there are times that you need to “just leave it up to god, source, whatever you call it”.
Because we can’t see everything, and we are coming from (usually), a pretty screwed up place of a mixture of victim mentality, or blame, or low self worth, of fears from the past, of family limiting beliefs, and even of an entitled sense that we know how the universe works.
We only touch on, the knowingness, or belief, that we are god, we are the I AM presence, there is a part of us that is doing the creating, that we are vast, interdimensional, beings, and we have this wonderful, tiny vehicle that we use called the body. Even our mind, with it’s ego, has it’s limits, unless we connect with the collective unconscious, and even then, how do we bring that awareness, and power back to our everyday train of thought? That alone would get us closer to creating our reality by the law of attraction. We have forgotten one important thing, though, as we look at the powers that create.
And that is love.
The law of attraction, used with the knowledge that we are infinite beings of light, and love, and are much wiser, and love filled, than we know. This changes the whole premise. You can call it spirit. You can call it whatever you wish. But when you have empowered yourself with this, you can create magic. And miracles. You can witness them daily, and be a part of the flow.
You can forget this, and go into victim, or blame, or powerlessness, and start acting from that place, and then, you remember again. And create, effortlessly, from this place. And on and on it goes. Inspired action in this context loses it’s narcissism, and it’s ego. Coming from a place of love, and light, you can still take action, can still destroy what you need to make changes, can still try, and fail, and try again, and go back to the drawing board. You can create for the world around you, without having to control it, without having to know all the “hows” of it’s manifestation.
In some of the basic teachings of the law of attraction, you figure out what you don’t want first, and start to define it. Then, you start to create what you do want, and then get your energy out of it, your ego out of it, and get out of the way.
You co create.
This is what was missing from his criticism of “The Secret”. I don’t think he added spirit into the mix, and also I think he concluded that inspired action, was non-action.
In my world of creating, I always go back eventually and “tune up” my belief system about my abilities, my motivations, and my sense of power in my world. In that belief matrix, is also my ability to “have” my creations (otherwise, I would just find a way to destroy it), and to acknowledge, and validate them. Sometimes I need to overhaul it altogether!
Asking (the universe, others, parts of myself) for help does not make me weak, but actually more capable.
I don’t think he took that into account, when he wrote that article. I did agree with a few things he said about the dangers of being “delusionally positive”, without taking concrete action, or looking at your boundaries.
There are so many offshoots to that book, and so many books, and philosophies before, and after, that while not perfect, are acceptable in our collective library of creating a better reality for our planet, our futures, and ourselves.
I do sincerely hope that you add a little magic to your day today. I hope you witness a minor miracle, or even co create one. I also hope you take some inspired, concrete action today, to make your creations manifest.
Happy Holidays! ~ Helena
I hope to see you, and your creations, in the new year!