such a long time is coming to pass. This has been such a time of endings. We have gone through so many changes in such a short time, from letting go of the people, things, and creations of our lives that don’t support us anymore, to working on recreating, and reinventing ourselves now, in this higher vibration.
Our theme this month is 2012/2013, how is it going to work for you? What are you planning on manifesting, now that you’ve created space?
In my own personal spiritual work, and in my classes, we have
been focusing on bringing in more light into our lives, from our physical bodies, to our astral bodies, our emotional, mental, and etheric realms as well. We have been doing all sorts of housecleaning, from our auras and chakras, our belief systems, our personal life, and our careers. Some has been choice, some has not; for some there was loss and grief involved, and for others, a conscious, and determined choice to change. Letting go of what was not in alignment with our new selves in this new world which has been spinning faster, and vibrating faster. The earth herself has been through such a growth period!
Now it’s time to focus on moving forward, and there are some magical times this month to do that! Two profound dates are in alignment with
manifesting this month: 12/12/12 is one; the other is 12/21/12.
These dates add up to the number 3, which represent your ability
to manifest, are great days to do energy work, to create, and co create! Now you can birth your new reality into being, with the new you that you have been working so hard on, with your self worth, and self image brought into present time! These dates are also universal 11 dates, (which is another
manifesting gateway). Create, create, and create!
The Winter Solstice, on the 21st , another 3 (which, by the way, is exact at 11:11 GMT), the darkest of the dark of the year (not scary if we think of the safety and warmth of the womb, or the deep earth ready to accept, hold, and nourish the seed for the new year), is where we will plant our
new seeds for our new life, which will start to have
more light
each new
All of this light work has been
for a reason, as we hold
the space, in love,
and become love,
for the earth
to rebirth
How wonderful, and wondrous! I thank each of you who have been
holding the space for her, healing her, and lifting up the vibration!
W h a t a r i d e ! ! !
Remember to take the time to ground back down, and come back to basics, of caring for the basic needs of the earth, and of our bodies, in this vulnerable and newly birthed time. Love, love, and more love, beyond the personal, to the universal,
and then back to the personal again, cleansed, lifted, and renewed. Welcome co creators!
Please come and join us at the Angel Fair for
tea, and clarity, a reading, or a healing. After the fair, from 4:30-5:30pm is a fun Manifesting and Miracles workshop; the one hour class to learn and practice your manifesting tools! For those of you who cannot make the fair, you can purchase a reading by phone through my website, or schedule a reading another time with me at Angel Light Books. New classes will be starting the end of
January on Wednesday evening, like
(Working with the Archangels, a 4 class series,
starts Jan 23rd!) Have an amazing holiday, love one another, and
come and see us soon!