- Hello! Is this the inside of your head sometimes? Feel free to laugh at it, (it hates the invalidation), and let's create new boundaries in our heads!
This last month in the advanced class we have been "working the energies" of this ugly, negative, unconscious thinking. First, just notice. Don't react; notice the patterns. Continue your meditations, and notice the "you" that feels good, feels validating. Notice from the sidelines, don't engage, or try to do battle. When you become familiar with your own thoughts (and you can trust that this is a loving, patient, even humorous, highly amused you), make it a color, or a scent, in your mind. Become aware of it. This is your spirit, your consciousness. This is "you" whether you are in your body, or not, and it feels good, and is healthy, loving, and validating.
The other thoughts and energies...er..not so much. There are strict, rigid beliefs and tendencies, like competition, scarcity, fears, suspicions, and even paranoia, and depression! When you are not looking, these thoughts, energies, these gremlins can creep in and create havoc in your head. Believe them, think they are you, and act from that unconsciousness, and you are destined for a robot-like life.
I know that last sentence is a bit harsh, but it is true. When your spirit takes a back seat, and goes unconscious to the gremlins, life does become a bit unreal, because you are not there anymore. You've already checked out of the room inside your head (right behind your eyes) which is command central for your consciousness. Those guys are living rent free in your head, while you are out in the cold! Raise the rent, and kick them out!
This is a rather simplified version of an exorcism, even though the gremlin thoughts may be your mothers, your boss, an ancestor (whom you loved, but is not you, and has their own views, preferences, and biases). It may even be an ASPECT OR PERSONALITY of YOU that you felt you needed in the past to survive, to be cool, or to protect you. Are they old and worn out? Are they predictable, or unhealthy? If you are wanting to change your life, be happier, clearer, and have your world be a bit smoother, this is a great place to start!
Sometimes these thought gremlins come in to your consciousness because of drugs, alcohol, or a family being. There usually is an agreement, or contract (invisible, but oh, so real) that allows them there. Usually, but not always.
These agreements can be broken by you. It can be that simple. Is it time to allow your own loving, thoughts, and consciousness to live in your head, and kick those squatters out?
By becoming aware of your own thoughts, and validating that space daily, you will find that you like yourself more, and the world around you. You start to get used to that awareness, and it feels good. That's the first and most powerful step!
When you encounter the gremlins, and you are aware of them in your mind, do just that. Be aware. notice. You can even say hello. Having a sense of amusement really helps!
You are kicking them out by bringing the focus and awareness back on yourself, in a gentle, consistent, repetitive fashion. Don't forget to breathe! Also remember to forgive, forgive, forgive yourself, if you find yourself thinking, speaking, or acting from that place. With practice, it gets easier, and easier.
Some of my clients like to use a phrase that reminds them to be themselves in present time, like "up until now", or "sorry, but I'm here now, and y'all got to go".
If you explore the gremlins point of view, you may learn some useful things, but we'll explore that next time. Being aware of the squatters in that awesome room in your head is a great start in taking back your power, your wisdom, and your love.
Helena Mazzariello
Feel free to get a reading or healing, on the space behind your eyes, your command central, the center of your head. We can do a clean out, we can look at what's working for you, and your strengths, and give you some powerful tools to help you on your journey.You can go to the store page and purchase a phone reading, or post any questions you may have here. Let's enjoy this beautiful, wild, and precious life we have!