Honor the truth inside of you. You feel what you feel. You don’t need anyone’s permission to have your feelings. They are yours.
It’s good to know that they are yours, but before that, you must experience them. They are important; they matter.
Anger doesn’t always have to be justified. Think of it instead as a feeling that gives you the energy to do what needs to be done. Sometimes anger is just what opens the door so an issue can be resolved. ~Neal Houston, Sociologist
Stop discounting your feelings. Minimizing them does not make them go away, and does not resolve anything. Be careful with the notion of what you should, and shouldn’t feel.
Don’t be shamed into silence, and do not shame yourself into it. Your feelings may not be logical, but they are yours.
As a psychic, I can see that if an emotion is just obsessive, or won’t change, or is just out of control, it is usually not your emotion. It can be a tape loop that you are stuck on, or a parents voice, or an entity, a being, either in your space, or trying to get in.
A good intuitive knows to listen to the thoughts and feelings inside of them, the inner nudges, and all the different flavors of emotions. You may not have a chance to express them immediately, but you can listen, and honor them.
In doing that there is a system of trust set up, and that system feeds into a healthy sense of self worth, and self esteem, even if you cannot express it to the outside world.
A good way to work on your self worth, and self esteem, is to act, and to change things in your outer world, to make things better, to fix what isn’t working, to express yourself, and have yourself be heard. To make your feelings or opinions known. It’s true, and keeps your 3rd chakra healthy and spinning, and functioning well. It validates the rest of them, too. You don’t need anyone’s approval to honor your truth, to just breathe, and own what comes up, and acknowledge it, without anyone else’s judgments. Your feelings can be in the middle of a process, (anger that turns into fear, or into sadness, which turns into a big grief, and then a compassion).
Your feelings are valid.
They are important, and they matter.
They can be your body’s way of communicating with you the spirit.
Sometimes, though, what you think are your feelings are not your feelings.
They can be feelings that were already in the room before you got there (like fear, or boredom, depression, or peace.)
They can be a being, or an entity, that is “stuck” at that vibration (like anger, or fear). They can feed off of your energy, if it is also at that vibration, so it behooves them to coerce you to vibrate at that energy.
Those beings are good at throwing pictures at you to look at that fill you with fear, etc, or, by highlighting your own pictures that live in your space, and then, when you are marinated in it long enough, they just stick a straw into you and suck away! Lunchtime at your expense!
I see this over and over again in my readings, where a person has depression, or massive anxiety, even hatred. The feelings are so strong, that it affects their day to day life. It affects not only the quality of their life, but the quality of their sleep, of their moods, and the well being of their body. Plus, remember, there is a straw stuck in their head somewhere, and their energy is being drained. Having good protections and boundaries could have prevented this, but there are remedies that are simple and effective, and we’ll explore a couple of them in a bit.
Some people are highly sensitive, and will walk into a room, and pick up the strongest vibration there. They do this as a mechanism to feel safe. They open the feeling chakra wide when they walk in, to protect themselves, and also to gain information. It is very hard on the body to do this, but it can be a habit. Imagine if you had a blindfold on, and walked into a room in a store, or in someone’s house. You would use your “feelers” to get by.
It may work on some level to “feel”, instead of “know”, or “sense” what is going on, but please don’t match the energies, or think that they are your own! Places full of pain, fear, and anger, like prisons, hospitals, and rehab centers must be hard places to visit, let alone work at, if you do not have a good sense of your boundaries, and some tools to clean yourself off at the end of the visit, or day.
Back to the beginning topic in this blog…
Your feelings may not always seem logical, but they are always valid. Because if you feel something, then you feel it and it’s real to you. you can’t ignore or wish it away. It’s there, gnawing at you, tugging at your core, and in order to find peace, or answers, you have to give yourself permission to feel whatever it is you feel.
So how do you know the difference?
In my meditations, and explorations, I may ask, “Is this my emotion, or someone else’s?”. I tend to get a knowingness, an answer in a space of certainty. I just know that I know.
Sometimes, though, I will look at it on my flat screen TV right behind my eyes. I might put the dilemma in question there, and then imagine my energy to be one color, and “other” energy to be another color. I will then command that all foreign energy drain out of the question, let gravity just slide it right off the screen, or situation, leaving only my color. My color feels good to me, I can have it, change it, validate it, work with it. If it was another’s energy, it would feel overwhelming, or it would seem stuck. It won’t budge, it won’t change, it’s just stuck there.
Ahhh, and then I get my answer! My aha moment!
Wait…that’s not my depression. I stayed too long trying to help a depressed friend. That’s her energy. Actually, I love life, and am rather happy and in love with it. Ok, there’s my stuff!
Or…maybe you need to make a decision, and can’t, like, if you should move to the city, instead of your surburban home. As you do your psychic sleuthing, you may discover that it is your mother, or boyfriend that does not want you to leave, and it is their fear in your space, and it is not your own fear! You may “see” their fear as a dark blue, and you can now acknowledge it, and then, release it. What’s left could be your own energy, a mix of your excitement (orange and gold), and your own fear (let’s say a deep brown). Just owning and validating what is just your own emotion can make everything a lot clearer, and can help you make your own decision.
Spending time in meditation, and energy work can help so much to clear foreign energies, and give you a stronger boundary. You may need to remember to use stronger protections when you go about your day, especially in strange new territories.
Other peoples energies (and other beings energy), and the fearful media's energy, (are you watching too much Fox news?) can slip right in to your own consciousness sometimes, and you can find yourself thinking thoughts obsessively, that are angry, nasty, or fearful. Having regular “check ins” with yourself helps. (close eyes for a moment, relax, just breathe, and get to center, and ask yourself, “What am I feeling right now?” When your thoughts keep going back obsessively to the same emotion, regardless of the person, or subject matter, or how many times you try to get it to neutral, the authenticity of the emotion is suspect.
No matter how serious the energy, you can always back up, take a short energetic break, and ask yourself, “is this mine?”
It gets easier and easier, with practice.
Remember not to match the vibration of fear, depression, rage, etc, while you are figuring this out. Remember, other beings feed off this (I am reminded of the horror film classic with Vincent price called “The Tingler”, a centipede like creature, that, once inside you would grow and grow as you experienced fear). You can go unconscious easily, so please don’t. Keep your vibration upbeat, use your tools, let go. You are a spirit in a body, and this is your body. Own it.
Your own anger is just fine. It is important, and you need to listen, and acknowledge it, even if you do not act on it. The same with lust, or fear, or joy.
Have you ever been really happy, but had to turn it way down because the people around you couldn’t have it? Have you ever been in great joy, shining your playful, or spiritual light around people who were depressed, or angry, or fearful? Just validating what you are feeling, no matter what, helps. It keeps you healthy. Make sure your boundaries, and protections are solid, and that you are grounded, so you have a container for all that is you.
Then you can feel safe, with your own space.
You do not need to do anything with your emotions, but validate them. They teach you and show you how you are responding to your reality, and are healthy, and are transient, and in process. No one needs to heal them for you, or even to match you, and you do not need to match theirs, unless you want to.
Such is personal freedom.
It’s hard sometimes to let another have all their emotions, and you to be neutral to them. But it does change things! Not resisting others’ emotions. Not resisting what is coming up for you. Allowing, checking in, and them deciding.
I decide who I am and who I wish to be over and over again throughout the course of the day, and keep redirecting toward happy. Everything teaches me though, everything. Everything can be noticed, validated, learned from, used, redirected, energized, de-energized, composted.
So don’t resist. Give yourself permission to feel whatever it is you are feeling. And don’t always believe everything you feel (and think), until you make sure it’s yours.
Close your eyes again, take a deep breath, exhale, find your center, and ask your self, “what am I feeling right now?” What am I feeling? How much of it is mine?
~Helena Mazzariello
I invite you to get a reading, or take a psychic skills class, shamanic journeying course. or get an MP3 on protections, or meeting your Guide Team, or peruse the shamanic healing page, and read more about compassionate depossession, and spirit release, which is a large part of the service I do.
Here's to self knowledge, understanding, sovereignty, and creating our world from joy.
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