has genius, power and magic in it, Begin it now.- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
and welcome!
This month’s theme is New Beginnings, in all ways, forms, and means.
Beyond the incredible fear of change, that pesky “stepping out of your comfort
zone”, and your own measurement of self worth, there is a brave new world
waiting for you called your dreams coming true! That one, the one you have
wanted for a while. You dream of it, talk about it, think about it, but there
are all these “becauses”,reasonings, fears. It is energy. A lot of energy, but
just that, energy. Understanding this energy, as you morph into the new, owning
it, moving it around, and being senior to it, is the key to your universe. Your
old world, like an old skin, will shed, and that is alright; it is your
metamorphosis, it is your right to reinvent yourself. Hello!
We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have
the life that is waiting for us.
The old skin has to be shed
before the new one can come.
- Joseph Campbell
your life juicier, more alive, and more positive. Don’t put up with bad energy,
old angers and resentments, or a life that’s any less than what you know you
deserve. Build a world which allows you to flourish; the one you came here
for!! Step out of your comfort zone, and into your new beginnings. See your
spirit as a waterfall, cascading all over your body, blessing you with what you
need! Stay in gratitude for all that has been before, all the good, and all the
lessons. Love who you are at this moment, for it is enough. Begin with yes.
Begin with you. Trust, and let go, and let your angels stay with you and guide
you. Let that little “leap” of your heart guide you also. Breathe in what you
need, whether its courage, patience, love, luck, or a grand sense of humor! Your
emotional, mental, and spiritual health depend on your active involvement in
deciding who you are right now, and that includes letting go of what doesn’t
work, what has become toxic, or what is keeping you very safe, and very stuck.
Trust, and let your guides help you. Embrace lightness and freedom, you can
begin again. And what a better
time than right
Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...
It's about
learning how to dance in the rain.
Vivian Greene