One is the simple method of bringing in a “Golden Sun”, a ball of your own energy. I do this many times a day, and it is part of my psychic skills toolbox, for energetic vibrancy and health.
The other tool is a Soul Retrieval.
A Soul retrieval is usually done by a Shamanic Practitioner, who brings back Soul essence or parts, that left because of trauma, or illness. Shamans believe that all illness stems from Soul loss.
I’ve written a great deal on both, and the differences, and will offer links to more info at the end.
In either case, when you are not “fully there”, your body needs to adjust to the loss.
You are much more susceptible (to illness, injury, programming, and other peoples energy).
Sometimes it feels horrible, and sometimes relaxing, a place of no pain.
When I look at the word “unconscious energy, as a psychic, I see a grey, or white fluffy energy, that makes one spacey, numb, or wanting to fall asleep. It can be a pleasantly numb feeling, like getting buzzed on a big glass of wine, or a bit of a scare, like when you are driving, trying to be in your body , and to be present, clear, but you cannot. Like when you are trying to make a decision, but lose focus, or are confused. Or, just blank. Spacing out. Nothing.
Have you ever watched someone go unconscious? They just check out.
The body is basically on autopilot, but the spirit isn't there. Spirit could be busy, bilocating, being somewhere else. it can be in the past, or the future. It can be busy looking at, or avoiding, some past uncomfortable, or painful event, or memory.
It can also be that spirit checked out to enjoy some pleasant, or joyous memory or event! How nice to be blissed out, thinking about that ice cream cone, that new relationship, or the vacation you will be taking next week.
It can be dissociation, an escape from trauma.
Perhaps was a response to trauma from childhood.
Perhaps just a simple avoidance of pain, or unpleasantness.
Could be that it is a group agreement, as I have seen in students in a class, or a circle of friends sharing a joint.
Sometimes it is a lovely escape, simply being tired, so tired, that you take a little break, eyes glazing over.
We are humans. Spirits living in a body. We get to do that.
It is only when we do it too much that it can be a problem.
I like to think of us as being, let’s say 10 cups of water.
All of our spirits presence, and light.
We probably have 3 cups of ourselves not in our body at any given moment in time. Stuck in the past, lost in our homes, our belongings, trying to fix, change, or heal other people.
It can be Soul Loss, where that part of spirit essence left and cannot get back, and could use some assistance.
That is why people get a Soul Retrieval, by a shamanic practitioner.
On a simple level, its is just amazing where we leave our energy throughout the day!
Stuck in a dream, or creative project, or by resisting something (resistance takes energy, and can leave you depleted).
Your list of things to do.
Your daily commute.
Your friends problem they just told you.
Your bank account.
Avoiding some pain or perceived pain.
Leaving because someone energetically whacked you.
Leaving because you like to meander, while listening to music.
Leaving, because you are making some big, beautiful change, some step up as a spirit, and body is slow to catch up.
Leaving, because many people put their attention on you at one time, all of a sudden, and you had no protections up.
Not being grounded, because you haven’t eaten.
The list goes on and on.
If reading these examples has gotten you a little jolted, then I am doing my job right.
Learn these simple tools, to gently and lovingly call yourself back, and do it frequently.
I teach the basic Meditation/psychic skills class as a revolving class, and you’ll get this tool if you take the free Energy Hygiene workshop I offer regularly.
You can learn good protection tools, so that when you do decide to leave for a bit, your body feels safe.
You can get a Soul Retrieval from myself, or any practitioner listed on Sandra Ingerman’s website, on the Practitioner referral page. They have been trained and come highly skilled.
A Soul Retrieval will change your life, and get you back on track, if you feel that something is truly missing.
Here is a bit more information on both. One is a psychic tool for energetic health, and the other is a Shamanic healing method for the same.
Your body will love you for it.
I promise you.
Gentle blessings, and ducks in a row.
Here's a blog on Soul Retrieval:
Soul Retrieval and Integration