Basics include the use of white light, as a deflector, or golden light, or, electric blue light. You can use mirrors for deflection, like a disco mirror ball, on the outside edge of your aura. Violet flame is a powerful tool also, and should be in your spirit toolbox. If you use it, it will transform, and burn up the heavier energies around you, into love. It is a high vibration, and very good for karma releasing. Certain stones are protective, and also is white sage, Palo Santo, and Frankincense. Keeping your space light, and happy, and neutral, is powerful. It's a deterrent, and protective, and also, part of a good, energetic immune system.
An important part of the world of protecting yourself, is taking a look at the semantics of the words “protection, vs. safety”. The use of the word protection implies that you are weak, and need to be protected from something. It keeps you in a state of defense. It is a state of contained powerlessness. You are always wary, and rechecking your fortress.
The word safety implies a state of being. You are safe. You are ok, you are enough. A state of freedom, it is a pure vibration, a place of empowerment, of expansiveness.
Now, the universe doesn’t care about words. It cares about the feelings. How you vibrate. The feeling of safety, vs. the feeling of protection.
Empowered, vs guarded.
To be in a frequency so high, that it does not include the frequency of danger. To be that. It is like turning your radio dial to that frequency. Many things will raise your frequency, and vibration.
More light, more love, more joy, more gratitude, more compassion. More fun!
Being in a state of sovereignty, and being whole, as opposed to a state of fear, or, a state of guarding your space.
Be radiant! Be grand! Raise your vibration, raise your focus, and even raise the level of what chakra you are coming from.
What I mean by that is which lens are you experiencing the world from?
Which lens are you operating from?
Which lens are you experiencing the energies getting into your space from?
If you are afraid for your life, afraid you may be attacked, you are coming from a place of fear. Or dread. That’s a pretty low vibration. You are exuding that energy, and your first chakra, of fear, and survival, is probably wide open, trying to help you by giving you survival information, and exuding fight or flight hormones.
Even if you were to get angry at it, (the invading energies), and shout your demands that it leave your space, you have, at least, upped your space from the vibration of fear, and you may feel better.
But, it is still, a lower chakra, which involves the body, and involves ego, and judgment, and of course, effort.
In terms of boundaries, good, energetic boundaries, perhaps even physical boundaries, there is nothing like running your anger energy. You can own it, and allow it to course through your veins like hot lava, burning up anything in its path. You can just sit there, in your energy meditation, and run anger energy through your space, chakras, aura, everything, and just kick everything out which isn’t you. You don’t need to aim it at the humans in the room, or, in fact, aim it at anyone. You can just run your anger, like a type of energy, like fire, consuming everything in its path. It can be quite refreshing! Remember your grounding cord, though, it is helpful here, and can release foreign energy.
This is your energy, and you can use it, as a powerful purging tool!
Think of how a mama bear will protect her cubs, from an invader.
Think of how you would spring into action, if someone were to try and take your purse from your grocery cart, or take something important from you. You can do the same with beings, or with energy hanging about.
One of my psychic teachers told me that upon awakening, she checks the state of cleanliness in the room in the center of her head (her 6th chakra, where she keeps her awareness). She leaps into action if she sees a lingering being, and jumps right into his space! “Who are you, and what the f$#k do you want!! THIS IS MY SPACE! Get the F$#k out!!
And, in many ways, this can work! It is your space. No one is going to clean it for you.
But, in the case of an angry entity, filled with rage, it can just start a nasty war in you.
Ok, so let’s slide up a notch.
When you go into the heart space, though, which has a high electromagnetic vibration (this creates your energy field) you are leaving the space of the ego behind.
As you go up the energetic scale, and into the heart, for example, you may see it as coming from a place of loving, and caring for yourself, by having good, healthy boundaries. You may have compassion for the other energy. Perhaps it came from a person that was in such inner pain, that he lashed out at you from his own non-trust and guardedness. You may be in a safe state by knowing how when you are in a state of love, (which is your pure essence, your True Self), that you cannot be wounded.
When you are in a state of pure love, when you are embodying that True Self, you are so powerful, and you just are. You are exuding, and radiating that light, as it moves through you. You are a healing force simply by being.
Be that for a moment or so. Use your breath, to move the energies through, and around you, like a recirculating fountain, or like a torus loop. It showers all through your space, and you pull it back up again, expanding through all your bodies; the mental, etheric, emotional, as well as the physical.
Being this energy is a form of protection. It is sovereignty at it’s finest.
From this space, this space of radiance, this space of radiating your divine essence you may see the energy you need protection from in another light completely.
And you are not in a space of defense.
Nor are you in a space of offense.
You have just reconnected with your true self.
Just feel that for a moment, before we move on.
So we are talking about protections, psychic protections, which may mean energetic protections. It could be from another human being, it could be from a being, which was human, and it could be from a source, which never was human. It could be as intense as a nasty entity set out to harm or cause trauma, or as simple as a person at the grocery store who inadvertently jumped into the center of your head, to have a psychic conversation with you.
Or, perhaps he corded you energetically, which feels like, and is, a drain on your energy, or caused you to become unconscious, perhaps to the point of leaving your body. A good psychic whack can easily kick you out of the body, but so can someone jumping into your space, even if they did not mean harm. Maybe they were just fixated on you, or they could just have lousy boundaries, or perhaps wanted you to heal them, fix them, take away their pain.
You may need to protect yourself from the energies of a space, like a room that has a lot of energetic debris, perhaps a hospital, or a prison, or simply a place where a depressed person, or toxic or very negative person resides. Having to go to a job everyday in a soup of that vibration can make you feel sick.
So if you cannot match the vibration, and get into your 6th chakra, in the center of you head, you can start by noticing what is.
Not feeling everything, for that is a first and second chakra trait. Just look, and notice. It is like taking a step back, and having some space between you, and it.
It’s a bit of a computer mode, void of feeling, although you can notice your feelings, and sensations, without going into them.
So you are not leaving your body, but coming back in and behind your eyes. You are grounded, deep into the earth, and well rooted. That makes your body feel safe. And, what a good, fat, grounding cord does so well, is release. So you are starting to release, letting go of energies like excess fear, or anger. Maybe yours, or maybe someone else’s.
So, for example, you forgot to put up protections as you left the car to go into the small empty office room where you need to work, and you notice an intense angry energy in there. You connect with your body; you notice how your body feels without jumping into the feelings. (Wow, it seemed very dense, even darker, when I walked in here, like the ceiling was a lot lower. My stomach felt knotted. My throat felt blocked. It felt like dread). Wow. Hello energy. I am aware of you.
You are not my energy. You are not my anger.
I am not going to match you.
I am not going to become this vibration.
I am feeling rather amused and neutral.
I would rather vibrate like that.
I will be my gold filled, radiant self, and make a grounding cord for the entire room, while I am here.
You may, if you wish, ask a helper, like a guide, or angel help to clear the air, and put up any type of protection around your aura of your choosing, such as a cocoon of white light.
What I want you to do is notice, and not match it.
Stay present, and continue being your light filled self.
You are now operating from your 6th chakra, which is a neutral place. You may see the energies as a swirling color, or see the face of the person whose energy it is, but for now giving a hello from that space is enough.
Now, you can start to use your crown chakra, which has a sense of knowingness, and a sense of sovereignty, of seniority about it.
In using these upper chakras, you can decide what energy that you wish to use, that you wish to run your space from.
Besides connecting with the divine cosmic energies, The 7th chakra really is about ownership of your space, which is your body, but also your energetic field. You get to choose.
Your 7th chakra is about certainty, and knowingness. It is the opposite of confusion.
We call it "owning our crown"
And that is wonderful. That is where the magic happens.
So, what type of energy do you want to have, while everyone around you is at depression. Or fear, or hate. This is where you own your crown. You may choose to be at loving heart, or amusement, or at curiosity, while the rest of the room vibrates at hate and revenge. You do not have to match the energy of an entity, or of the room, or of the stuff trying to climb in.
You can choose to be safe, by owning your space. You can choose to be safe, by being that feeling, that sense of safety. Being it.
If certain energies seem to be attacking, or bothering, or penetrating your space, your aura, a chakra, or just inside your energetic field, you may want to take a closer look, and work on those energies. Perhaps you are attracting them. It could be karma with that person, or being, it could be cords of energy attached to you (or you to it). It could be that you have a picture that lives in your space, like a belief, with lots, and lots of energy on it. That energy can be superglue to the energies coming at you. Like strong guilt, or an incendiary “bring it on, let’s fight” picture. Maybe in you is a picture, that “I am so vulnerable, I can be attacked at any moment”.
How about the “I am a healer, give me your pain, I can fix you.”
Or, “I feel so guilty. I don’t deserve to be protected from this.”
Becoming aware of, and then neutral to a picture that it gets in on, can stop constant energetic harassment, or, just people getting in your head.
You may need to find the Velcro picture in your space, or your subconscious, and work on it, drain it of energy, neutralize it.
Let’s also realize that everything we continually deal with in this arena can show us a bit about ourselves. Where you continually get whacked, or let others into our space, or, where we lose our neutrality.
Or, where we allow in other beings into our space. Where we are weak. Where we choose a lower vibration, and where we allow ourselves to go unconscious.
You may need to do your homework, and do some shadow work on yourself. Going into your subconscious mind and finding those suppressed parts of you, that have a lot to teach you about yourself. Not a place to be fearful, as this is a part of you, that you rarely give voice to.
This is how we learn. Remember, that, everything is here to help you.
I have learned, through the lessons of protection myself, and of being safe, that I don’t need to hide my light. That it’s ok to shine. I have learned that it’s ok to ask for help. I have also learned to allow others to have their anger. Or their projections. I don’t need to heal everyone, or make it all right. I have learned that it’s ok to be angry, and to have boundaries, and to say no. I have learned that not everyone will like me. and not to take that personally. And that I AM, much greater, and stronger, and wiser, than I think I am.
So, remember to do your shadow work, to find out all the parts of you. You will be wiser for it, stronger (or, softer) for it.
copyright HelenaMazzariello/Spiritinoy 2018
This is part of a longer talk called Psychic Protections 2. It goes into greater detail, and gives you some tools for your spirit toolbox. It has a marvelous, deep clearing and protective meditation, and is available to you as an MP3, for purchase, on the store page. Many blessings, and much freedom on your path!