Well, you can call it creating, or call it making your mockups, or attracting something into your field of energy, or vibrating like the thing that you want.
What I am looking at is right before that. and, a little bit before that.
You know, when things just seem all wrong, or all you see is what you do not want. Maybe you don’t know what you want, or, don’t know how to get into the space of creating what you do want. That level of discontent.
It’s actually such a powerful place. Our discontent shows us so much. And, you must have it to feel the urge to grow. It’s necessary to progress. It is a restlessness.
Sometimes people react in an unexpectedly extreme way, to the discontent they have been sitting in, or is all around them. Something jolts them to finally make a change, and it may be great, and may be a bit harsh.
A polarity.
And then there is the opposite, like the frog in the water getting hot slowly, then starting to boil. He hardly noticed it, as it was very slow.
In that, I mean, that you adapt, or put up with your uncomfortableness, or restlessness, and miss your mark, creation wise. Nothing happens, and you either accept it as the new normal, or sink into that atheist energy of “I can’t create, as a spirit”.
That place, just before you get off your chair, and make something happen, is a pretty awesome place, even though it can be uncomfortable.
Artists know it. That place before inspiration kicks in. The blank page can be exciting.
There is a restlessness, before the discontent.
That is a good time to go into the void, to explore the yearnings, and notice the energy, and be still, and sit with it.
I promise you, that the magic will happen.
Because we really don’t create from nothing. You have been creating all along. You have all the tools. You are just waiting for the wave, to come along, like a surfer, so you can do what it is that you love.
It’s quite the yin experience, that yielding, that being with it.
I think that that place is a good place to start, when you want a change, but not sure what.
Remember, if you don’t dream your own dreams, you will end up a player in someone else dream!
Maybe being clear about what you don’t want (anymore) can help you define that restlessness, and the act of destroying (either physically, or energetically) gives you space, and permission.
I am aware, also, that there are times that a big explosion needs to happen, to level the playing field. Perhaps you need a change, and have set the bar way too low for a while, or, feel like you don’t deserve, or feel a victim to life circumstances, or just have to release a lot of pent up energy, or emotion, or stickiness. You need a big loud something.
That is a great time to do some destroying.
Destroying something feels great! It moves energy!
Smash things, yell into the silence, release something, declutter, end something.
My friend used to get a stack of plates at the thrift store, and then come home and yell, and purge and smash them all.
(In a safe container to do that in).
I recommend getting a dozen raw eggs, and write on them with permanent marker, breathe the energy into them, and then smash them with abandon, in the shower or sink.
In psychic meditation, you blow up the mental image of a rose. You can put something with a strongly charged energy on this rose, and then explode it. Sometimes it takes a few times, to de-charge something.
Destroying things clears the field, and actually lifts up the energy, so you can create. Or, changes the space, so you can allow.
Some people just thrive on that feeling of restless discontent, and strive to get that rush of something new. Some people abhor change, and can’t quite get to those places to change their lives, even though they have a craving for more.
I am watching so many of my friends, and clients make announcements of big sweeping changes they are making, like selling everything, and moving to another country.
There are some that are creating workshops to teach in, going back to school for a deeper education, and creating grand new art forms, and grand new relationships, never before considered. Nice, big, fat leaps, into the unknown.
the past few months, had everyone struggling, and discontented, even blaming, and then sitting.
Just sitting, quietly, with what is. and, allowing.
Just being with it. That yearning, and restlessness.
A good journey, or meditation, could be to just be in the void, the safe deep blackness, and vastness of the void. You could come with your restlessness, and your yearning, and just sit. Sit with it, just be, and see what comes up, before taking any action.
Being in that space of awareness of what is, being present to it, gets you centered, and that gives you choices, as to how to respond.
Create from that space first. Decide the type of energy you want your creation to come from.
Effort? No effort? Help from others? Enough of what you need? Support? Co creating?
The rest will come much smoother, with synchronicity, will be divinely guided. Even the uncomfortable parts, the destroying parts, the squeezing yourself into the new you, that can have it.
And, indeed you shall!
You have the tools you need, and you are enough.
copyright@helenamazzariello/spiritinjoy 2020
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