This is how I like to think of the process of co-creation. You can see yourself as surfing (or bellyboarding, if you don't know how to surf) in this vast, ocean. You can feel, and sense, the pull of the current, and the waves of the ocean. You have an intention, you have your tools, and you have your energy, your capable spirit, even your past life or past time information, to help you.
Your physical body and it's effort is important. Keeping it strong and happy, or at least motivated, and slightly amused, will help you in your quest.
But it's that sense of trust, and it's ability to keep you both relaxed, and aware, is what we are addressing right now.
I have just come back from a very powerful shamanic training, with one of my teachers, Betsy Bergstrom, in the compassionate depossession of spirits. Some of those "suffering souls" were once human, and some never were. It is an intense, and sacred process. And there are powerful, and yet both sacred, and amazing results, for all parties involved.
It can be quite intense, and you need to be both centered, and protected.
One thing that I will do, in the set up of this process, is to become aware of my "True Self". Whether that is called my I AM Presence, or my God Self, or my True Self. This is the self that is radiant, expansive, that cannot be wounded, corrupted, or changed in any way. And once I have connected to that part of me, and with my higher heart, I start to allow, and trust in the process.
You are that self. You have access to that True Self, too.
It is almost too simple. To be your radiant self, to connect with it, and to become it, connects you to all your tools and resources, with no effort.
It is the smaller you, the ego you, the fear based you, that lacks trust; it wants a guarantee. By stepping into the light of your own being, that clear knowing, or cognizance (it's located in your 7th chakra, one of your tools, one of the "clairs" that you have, like clairvoyance, clear sight, and clairsentience, clear feeling), comes into play.
This is one of the places that I read from, as a psychic. I may "see" things with my clairvoyance, but my "claircognizance" makes sense of it all, makes it whole. I have learned to trust that place, to get answers.
When creating something in your life, or, in creating your life, the tool of trust, can help you immensely. Either in trusting the universe, or in your true self. Even in the law of attraction, allowing yourself to feel the vibration of the word "trust" in your being, allows you to relax a bit, take a breath, and allow. It may feel like the opposite of control.
How strange, that most of our life, and our world, we cannot control. Most people see that as a sense of not having power. Power=control. Leaning on another person, or an Angel, or a friend, or guide, or the universe itself, seems the antithesis of creation.
But sometimes to stop struggling, to not know, to allow yourself to be led, to be shown, is the key. There is Grace in that. It is the secret password, of your next step. The previous article speaks on this, on Grace, and on letting go.
Listen to your dreams, for they are smarter than you.
There can be, for us, some wounding surrounding trust, either from people that have abused ours, or from a notion that the universe did not have our back. Many of us have at some point, turned our backs on that place of trusting the universe. In this place, I may interject the word "God'. I have seen so many people turned away from their god, from their own light, because they felt abandoned, or let down, when they trusted.
there can be a lot of pain there. Present time, and past time pain, and past life pain, or possibly ancestral trauma and pain. It is worth doing the healing work if it seems insurmountable, to go back and release or heal the old, old patterns. For now, though, breathing, grounding, centering, relaxing, and saying hello to and accessing your True Self, and going into a place of co-creation, with a loving universe, can be a goal worth reaching. Not only will it bring peace of mind, and immense healing, but you'll be working with the laws of the universe, instead of against them.
Not only will your emotions, and your mind experience the shift, but your body will, too. It's a wonderful, expansive energy, to trust, and to know. The opposite can be a cosmic isolation, that you have to do everything yourself, effort, effort, and the world is out to get you.
Even if there is past trauma, the expression of it can get you out of isolation, and to a place of healing, of being heard, and that you matter.
Gabor Maté, a family physician, and also a medical coordinator of the palliative care unit of the Vancouver Hospital, talks about and has studied clinical cases for years, how a people who can't trust, or express their authentic selves, and go into seclusion about it, has a much greater risk of getting sick, with illnesses such as cancers, and autoimmune diseases. Some people become sick from years of not trusting (that you are safe while sleeping, for example), long after the initial trauma has past. He shows that not the trauma, but the lack of its expression, raises the risk of illness. If you are interested in his findings, I'll post the link of his talk here.
Now, I'm not saying don't participate in creating your amazing reality, with slow and steady effort, hard work, and love, and passion, and (of course),asking for help. What I am saying, is to realize the wisdom of the universe, and to allow it to unfold.
You cannot control everything, and it will break you to try.
I am saying to be curious.
To be open, to allow.
I am saying to trust.
Don't quit, in the middle of what you are creating, when it gets tough,
the struggle will not last.
Trust yourself, hold the vision, trust the process.
Do you remember the last time that you did trust, and it was ok, even better than you could've planned?
Love the process. Be in that place of absolute surrender, once you have set your intention in motion. Don't worry so much about the "how" of it.
Be in certainty. And clear knowing (that place, in your 7th chakra, on the top of your head, where you connect to divine intelligence).
You can feel fear, and you can learn from exploring it, but you don't need to match the energy of it. Same with the energy of isolation, either personal, or cosmic.
Trust in the divine timing of things (that can be hard for me). Trust in the power of love!
Meditation, and mindfulness help you to get to the quiet place where there is little mind chatter. It's a good practice, becoming a clear vessel, to be still, and know.
Trust is a belief, and it is also a tool, as is asking for help. And getting out of your own way, is a part of that. It is allowing.
Trusting the process, tapping in to your True Self, and allowing yourself to be a co-creator in your own life, is like surfing the waves in the ocean; it involves practice. It's the art of knowing when to effort, and when to let go.
HelenaMazzariello/Spiritinjoy copyright 2018