If you want to know or understand the genocide happening in Gaza, I ask you to
#1, STOP WATCHING FOX NEWS, and watch something of value, of respect, like Democracy Now.
#2, Check news sources from around the globe, not those who are paying for the hefty supply of arms, including White Phosphorous bombs.
Even TIC TOC has news with more truth, coming from all corners of our beautiful Gaia planet.
The sheer amount of protestors around the world, have given me so much hope, and fortitude.
Yeah, I am also getting frustrated, tired, and sad, at the light-workers who are only offering “love and Light”, or, “thoughts and prayers” at the genocidal murder, apartheid, and the most torturous and horrible crimes committed by the Zionist Israeli (not all Israeli are Zionist, or settlers in occupied Palestine. Many are fighting for peace).
I would love to help you find your courage.
I would love to help you find your voice.
I would love to help you find your backbone,
so you are not afraid to act.
I'm sure it is in there somewhere.
It could be that there is trauma in the way, either this life, a past one, or an ancestors pain.
Whether it is to call or write your congressmen, (or help with an organized protest in some manner) or organize your own,
Somewhere inside of you is courage to stand up to Nazi behavior, and not stand silent.
It is ok to truly feel the angry feelings, even rage, that is healthy, that is good. Acknowledge it, and let it go. Don't send it. You can transform it, and, it can transform you to act.
I have had 30-40 people message me on Facebook, to say. “thank you for standing up for us (my posts, or posting decent news, or ways to help), we feel as you do, this is sickening, this genocide”.
They cannot post or speak up, because,
“I have an Israeli friend, and I might hurt her feelings on how disgusted I am”
“I don’t want to be censured here on FB”
“I don’t want to stick out. None of my friends are standing up for what I believe in”
“As a healer, lightworker, or shamanic teacher, I want to be seen as a perfect specimen who does nothing but send love. I don’t really want to know what is going on. I can’t deal with it”.
“I don’t want to lose my job”, I think the American Gov't is watching Facebook posts.
“I can’t make a difference anyway”.
“I don’t want to upset my friends, and change how they view me”.
You are responsible for what you do, yes that is clear.
But also, you are responsible for what you don’t do.
I had a conversation with a shamanic friend earlier today. I was telling her how I use my shamanic skills to be of help, there in the bombed out hospital of Al Shifa, in Gaza.
She was saying how she can’t contribute, as it is all just energy, and so she sends love.
Yes, the energy workers are all praying, sending light, and love.
Wonderful, thank you.
Lifting up the vibration is vital.
But as a psychic, what I am seeing are a lot of people with their fingers in their ears, mumbling,
I said that I see it as taking a hike with friends, and a friend falls, perhaps, and lacerates his leg badly. We are a ways from help, and from wifi reception.
so we SHOW UP.
We press to stop the bleeding, and tourniquet.
We make a makeshift stretcher from what we have and what we can find.
We carry our friend back to the car and call for help when we can.
we hold his hand as he is put on the stretcher, and call his wife.
We take his dog back to his wife, and hug her.
do you understand that how you show up is incredibly important?
I am not even talking about countries that have selfish evil intent, and how you can show up for that.
Some are weaponizing ancestral pain, and using it, instead of going back to do some really deep healing, grieving, and being witnessed.
If you cannot be political because of your job, your right wing boyfriend, you fear of friends finding out that you do, etc, there are other ways
(Later, perhaps, take a real look at why you keep them as friends, as boyfriends, etc.)
Your form of help may be behind the scenes having conversations with people, helping fund, your technical skills, or offering a gift of
perhaps your patience, kindness,
How are you showing up for the world?
How are you showing up for yourself?
You can’t ignore how humanely essential is its to speak out to abuse, instead of cowering, or ignoring, or trying to forget by (fill in the blank with your own imbibement, or “check out” of choice).
Doing nothing, when you could have, or, doing harm, to innocent people for all the reasons above, or because someone told you,
will create something called,“moral injury”.
Many soldiers have this, when forced to inflict harm on innocent people, and they were just “following orders”.
You can also be a pacifist, and do nothing, because you don’t care about the karma of looking away and not watching the horrors of this genocide.
That can also have the effects of moral injury.
Think about it.
I hope that if I was ever being abused in these ways of genocide, and systematic abuse, that those I trust, my community would NOT look away, and throw “love and light” at me, when what I need is intercession.
“Thoughts and prayers”, when my legs have both been broken, and I need help in a working hospital, with electricity.
I have reached a point of disappointment in my shamanic community.
It looks like the psychic community are rolling up their sleeves, though.
They (we) have good tools, which I will explain in a moment.
It makes me sad that for many people who talk about the power of love, there is only apathy, wrapped in the thin blankets of “love and light!”.
If you are truly sincere, then we will feel you, and sense your incredible presence. You will not be afraid (again) of speaking truth, and of creating a powerful, healthy, and long lasting change.
I spend a couple of hours a day in “love and light” phase. It does really help. But do some concrete actions also..
You needn't exhaust yourself.
With good energy hygiene, your service can simply come from your overflow, of your energy cup. Make sure to stay filled, grounded, loved and well cared for.
And, you can care for those more on the front lines! They'll need it, and you can show up as an angel.
I am traveling, every night, astrally to Al Shifa hospital (what is left of it) in Gaza to help any and all, to await instructions, and just do that.
I help to psychopomp the dead, and try to do it in the cultural appropriate measures, of anointing, and calling their ancestors in.
I have all my shamanic tools, protections, and compassion with me. I am FOREVER grateful for those who show up, to be my comrades, to help as well, to be hollowbone.
I awake, after each night, as I usually do, refreshed, healed in a massive way, and remembering only snippets of my comrades, other Angels, a beautiful miracle that happened, and the powerful strength, that occurs, when you are in deep, but you know someone has your back.
I honor both the, “thoughts and prayers”, and the “love and light” people, as I know, that not everyone was built to be a warrior, to show up and be counted, to have so much courage. There is trauma in war, genocide and colonialization and its effects, and even the thoughts of it can be triggering for some.
I honor you where you are right now.
Some shamanic practitioners, especially teachers, though, have their fingers in their ears, and are just saying “sending love” to bypass the pain going on. Pain is hard, divided points of view, people are really charged up in this deadly horror.
I cannot change you, coerce you, but I do see you.
What you are doing is teaching your students.
I would prefer to ask them (my students) to help bail me out of jail for protesting, or speaking up.
I would prefer that. My students are awake, and do what they can.
We cry together.
then we do things.
and transfigure.
and Violet Flame.
I wish you many blessings on your day, and a delightful smelling gardenia, and a fresh slice of ripe peach, to delight you, as you wake up from your sleep.
I honor those who do what they can, and try to support.
and may you receive in return, tenfold, how you showed up, to help, to assist, to be counted.
and so it is, and it is happening now.
we are so blessed.
There it is!!
There is your spine.
we have been waiting for you.
What a gorgeous spine you are.
If you are with us, let’s go!
Go with God, the Goddess, or Source,
but go.
How do you want to show up for yourself?
How do you want to show up for the world?
Did your ancestors have trauma about speaking out? Or did they have amazing courage?
That they are both in you, and you have choices.
Not speaking up, not speaking out when it is vitally important is lazy, cowardice, can be complicit.
Please don’t stick your fingers in your ears, and repeat “love and light”.
It is worth the inner and shadow work in you, to address some very old traumas from war, or being visible, and showing up.
This is some deep, and heavy stuff.
Weaponized ancestral pain.
I do not believe that leveling Gaza and all its inhabitants (or expelling them from their own country with no "right of return" will control or stop Hammas. And, if you lived in an open air prison, with no rights in your own country for that many decades, an absolute hell, you would need a govt that means business.
I do not believe that war crimes against human life and civilians, and human rights abuses, to thousands of defenseless children, women, and hospitals, schools, refugee camps, etc, to try to destroy the threat of Hammas is acceptable in ANY country, in any place.
It is never excusable. But then again, every part of this systematic prison and genocide is not excusable.
I hope that there will be deep repercussions to the Israeli govt, land given back to the Palestinians stolen from them.
I hope that the colonist extremist settlers and their terrors and smash and grabs will be held accountable.
I am disgusted by my own country (as you can imagine), but I am extremely hopeful by the response from the entire planet.
The entire planet, including many Jewish people.
I have donated to Jewish Voice for Peace, to Middle East Children Alliance (MECA), Palestine Children's Relief Fund (PCRF), and donate toward prosthetics for the HUNDREDS of poor Palestinians targeted to have their knees exploded with bullets, to make a point, too create terror, humiliation, and hardships on the entire family.
I also donated (in the past) to help with warm clothes for the people stuck in homes without electricity (4 hours a day, at the Israeli discretion).
I don't make a lot of money, but I do what I can.
Because the Palestinians will be punished for displaying their flag, or even talking about what has happened to them, they need a voice from the outside.
I stopped counting how many journalists, and doctors (from all over)have been killed, so the stories about what is really happening don't get to the public.
Lastly (you did ask what I would do) is that I have been doing healing and shamanic work in Al Shifa hospital in Gaza (what is left of it). A morgue, with no electricity or water, and still many people afraid to leave because they will be shot.
I go nightly, and help the dead, the almost dead, the lost in grief and terror, or hold a hand, or help people find each other.
My spirit tools:
My cloak of invisibility, my spirit helpers, and my gaze of compassion.
I try to psychopomp (A Greek word, means "conductor of Souls") as best I can, as they did not have the proper ceremony, and died in extreme terror, pain and fear, or died very suddenly.
I am working with the well ancestors. They are amazing.
I recommend that.
I feel that the pain of the ancestors (the not well ones) are being played out continuously, and Israel could use some ancestral witnessing, and healing, to help this big mess.
That is why I said, "weaponized ancestral pain".
The not so well ancestors of the persecuted Jewish population, are just playing the movie out all over. No witness. No healing.
"They owe us".
"We are the real victims"
They have become the Nazis who killed and abused them, years ago.
When this gets healed and integrated, things will radically change,
even if the US is still flooding them with free killing weapons, like white phosphorus bombs, cluster bombs, and exploding body shattering bullets.
I think this is a huge undertaking. It is do-able, but, the powerful ones need to get their fingers out of their ears.
And the weak ones need to remember their power, their agency.
There are dead bodies in the basement of Al Shifa hospital, which is now a bombed out shell. Not water, or electricity.
The premature infants who died; the people had no choice but to leave them. The amount of light around them, those tiny bodies, was amazing.
I will never forget that.
I go there, and just do what the beings there need me to do... help two people meet each other, amuse the children for a bit, protect certain doorways.
I did this same job at the train stations in Ukraine. Small things, helping people find each other, keep their pets safe while they find them, in a chaotic frenzy of terrified people.
I guess that is one of my jobs. I also donate, and wear my "Viva Palestina" shirt in town and have many conversations with the people in my town. So many people are stressed about it all, and it changes the energy a bit to not feel so alone or powerless.
Maybe (if you cannot speak up, speak the truth, be outraged, and contact your reps/ protest, or support those who do, please check yourselves for trauma,
past life issues, perhaps where you were jailed, abused, killed, or your family was, for speaking up against atrocities.
What was a past life you were the victim of war?
What was the past life where you were the oppressor?
What was the past life where you were a child who lost their mother?
Or a mother who lost their child?
Respect yourselves, as moral injuriy comes in different forms, some in direct combat, and some in conscious indifference to war crimes against humanity, to defenseless men, women, and children.
While I can respect your decision to do nothing but stick your fingers in your ears and say “LOVE AND LIGHT”, or “THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS”, because you want to look good, or, you don’t want to offend your prospective shamanic or energy healing clients, or your present time students, please know that there is an energetic cost to that, one of them being “moral injury”. It lasts lifetimes, not just this genocide.
There is a cost, at the loss of your own respect.
And that is a priceless jewel.
I can say no more.
1,000 children have lost one or both limbs in these 11 weeks in Gaza.
And, that does not count the years of 2017-8, when IDF went Berserk on the men and young boys, with bullets designed to explode inside of people. They aimed at all the legs of the young men, rendering them a burden to their families, and incapable of working.
We tried to collect monies together for prosthestics.
I’m pretty sure Israel would not let them have them, to feel whole, to be ambulatory.
With the children, though, hospitals are non existent, and the plastic surgery required in the years these young children are growing, would also be non existent.
Traumatic amputations will need revisions, also, because they don’t have adequate care and services at the time of amputation.
Being a role model or in a position of leadership is also a responsibility; it’s how you show up.
And, teachers of such, let your students see you cry. Let them feel that pain. Work with the past life trauma, or stuck and past time belief systems they have, so they start to let go of that baggage and can also feel, and have choice to act in a responsible manner. It will help everyone now, and also years down the line.
Your offering to them, will be helping their descendants, and their own later lifetimes.
It may seem insurmountable, maddening, depressing.
It may bring up your own past life or ancestral trauma, and unresolved horrors.
But we are here to experience all, and to unravel this beast of a civilization, and somehow get a healing in the process.
Not all people are warriors, or front linesman.
But, like Clarissa Pinkola Estes has said so well in her poem, "We Were Made for These Times",
When a great ship is in harbor and moored, it is safe, there can be no doubt. But that is not what great ships are built for.
Here is that poem in it's entirety; it rings like a clear bell. She is amazing.
Happy New Year all, no matter where you are in all of this. I know you will be healed on some level, by the end of it.
Please reach out to me, if there is some Past Life, or Ancestral trauma lingering in this life, in these times of war, that you wish help with, or even just a light shined on. We all need it, and it will help us greatly.
If you are a teacher, you may need it even more.
Blessings, on your new year, your new start.
We have a choice, and get a new chance to choose, every second, of every minute of every day, who we are, and how we want to show up.
spiritinjoy/helenamazzariello copyright 2023