/ˈhībərˌnāt/ Early 19th century (earlier (mid 17th century) as hibernation): from Latin hibernare, from hiberna ‘winter quarters’, from hibernus ‘wintry’.
to pass the winter in a torpid or resting state, bears hibernating in their dens. 2 : to be or become inactive or dormant, let the computer hibernate.
As we celebrate the Winter Solstice by lighting candles, and celebrate the slow return of the light, let's not forget the passive work we are doing as we hibernate, slow down, hole in.
In the world of Covid it's made a bit more extreme (unless you have kids, and everyone is in the house, that's a different story).
Our social life becomes online, we spend more time alone, and the cold (in the northern hemisphere and countries) and dormant nature has us inside more, sleeping more, dreaming more.
What are you dreaming into being?
Not just through sleeping, but our day to day inner dialogue and thoughts, our big goals, and smaller goals, they dance about in our heads constantly. For some, it is the background music to the movie that is our life. We may not even notice anymore, but it is there.
In our sleeping dreams, we can still work out our lives, now that conscious mind is hibernating, the sub and unconscious, get to play out what is in your head. And that is a good thing!
In my Shamanic Journeying Course, we go to a place in non ordinary reality, where we can talk with our shadow selves; the being in us that feels a lot, but it gets subjugated, pushed down, out of reach, out of mind. Perhaps it feels inappropriate, or you were told it was, or perhaps you were scared by the amount of anger, rage, or sadness coming up.
But submerging it only gives it more power, and even changes your belief patterns. It is a part of you, those feelings, and thoughts. By having a safe place to unite, and discuss, and be witness, you can understand the whole that is you....your dark side is a part of you, and holds gifts. It also holds your life force, some of your power, and creative gifts as well. Shoving it under the rug serves no one, and these are the sort of things that can come up unconsciously, in conversations, or get to rise up (to talk with you) in your dreams.
In the class, we get to return to that sacred place to connect with that side of us, whenever we wish to, or need to. There are such treasures, and understanding to be had there. Becoming all of ourselves, not just the good, acceptable things, makes you a stronger, and more balanced being. Also, you won't project that part of yourself onto others, when you own it for yourself.
I think that many of us use the dream state to explore these parts and places.
And that is a great place to create.
And you are a very capable being!
Over and again, we find that winter offers us liminal spaces to inhabit. Yet still we refuse them. The work of the cold season is to learn to welcome them."
~ Katherine May, "Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times"
Art=Jackie Morris "Dreaming My Animal Selves"
Do you have people around you that you can connect with, without incessant talking? Another reason to walk in nature, or go for a hike with friends, or just spend time in each others company. It is such valuable shared space, and goes a long way in terms of nourishment.
I ask my students to be aware of their inner thoughts, and outward speech, to just notice what they are dreaming into being. As we know, thoughts are things; they are energy, they create. You are a powerful creator, in ways that you have not been aware of!
Even the constant complaining thoughts, or negative thoughts (without any actions to make reality better) start to mold and form you, they create the air around you, they fill up the room around you, they start to create the types of people around you, and what you create becomes filled with that energy.
What are you dreaming into being?
In these hibernating wintery times, going deep within, and exploring your many selves is a powerful foundation creating workshop. Exploring your shadow side, your real motives for creating what it is you want. Spending quiet time dreaming, receiving. And creating through your positive tools of creation, of thought, word, and deed.
That upbeat place will help glide you to new avenues, new people, new ways of creating what you truly desire, and the air around you will be a welcoming place for others.
And you will be attracted to those places too, without realizing. New experiences get created for you in that way!
Dreaming the world into being can open you up to possibilities you hadn't thought of before, or didn't realize you could have.
I look forward to our new creations in the coming season, which started from that dreaming world of endless opportunities.
Happy Solstice, and happy dreaming!