It has been said that, "the secret of life is that it stops". Well, I have seen enough, of spirit to know that it actually doesn't, it just changes form, changes worlds.
In my never ending shamanic studies, I have added to my plate Ancestral Medicine, and healing (Daniel Foor's book, and work are excellent). It has been wonderful to be witness, and say hello to those radiant ancestors, who can guide, and bless, and even heal and help the ones who need healing and help, so you, and your descendants do not take on the burdens, or the dis-ease. I am learning, and meeting, and understanding, and enjoying, and being nourished by this process. My work, and studies will help my clients with their needs, and I can better serve my community.
I have just taken a Death and Dying course, with Sarah Dole, as part of my journey towards a teachers program of shamanic studies (with Sandra Ingerman). I am also embarking on the advanced compassionate depossession course with Betsy Bergstrom, coming up next month. I have been doing this work for two years now, and it will help me go safely deeper, and my abilities will be able to help others.
I must say, I have chosen the best teachers I know of. I am forever grateful for the guidance here, the nudging from my spirit, and my helpers, in the work that I love, and that I do. It has helped my psychic readings and healing enormously, and has even crept silently, into my art.
But then again, this is an art form.
So, on to the page title. We had done a journey on "Where do you go when you die?"
Obviously, it is different, and personal for everyone. Some go to the light, some go into the earth, some stay around, and forget, or don't let go. Some have help. Some need it. Here is my adventure.
Now what?
Then, I thought, "Hey, I have all these spirit tools". "I can do whatever I want"!
I started to move energy around. I started to fly around.
I remembered my enthusiasm.
I said hello to my angels, my teachers, the Ascended Masters, my helping spirits. I used the power of the Violet Flame, and I transfigured, and radiated light.
I just became light. It lifted me.
(Boy, I am so glad for these spirit tools while I have a body! In retrospect, I am grateful for my tools, sharpened, ready, and at my disposal. And, yes, you can take them with you when you go!)
So now, the energy is so much lighter. There is so much light. I can see separate places of learning, and places of healing, and can also see beings there, that I know and love. My friends, my family, my guides.
I am feeling like I am a part of everything else, like an interconnected, woven, web of light.
I feel so expanded.
Such light, and love.
I feel like I am finally home.
I was then shown a choice.To go into the cosmos. It looked like stars, and a million amazing choices. It was vast place of many galaxies, and dimensions. It was so beautiful, and I knew, in an instant, I could easily travel to where I wished to go.
My other choice, was to stay around the planet earth, to help hold space, and heal her. I could see the vast planet with a network of light around her; small brilliant points of light where the lines intersected. I could see those intersections were being held by beings, beings of love and light. It was so beautiful. How much love we all have for her.
I could also see some kindred spirits there, and they waved at me to join them. They were my soul family!
So many of them incarnated to Brasil this last time, while I stayed in the north. Oh how happy I was to see them!
When I saw my choices, I thought, "Well, let's go into the galaxies, and other universes first, just to see".
I was stopped by two guides, in the shape of a Peregrin Falcon, and a Blue Heron. No, your job right now is to stay and hold space for the earth.
And I was so happy to be able to do that, and reconnect with my family.
Coming out of a journey like that takes a little time. To squeeze all that expanse of a spirit back into a tiny body, like getting a large parachute into a jacket pocket.
My heart felt very full.
I am glad to have my spirit tools with me.
They are good things to have.
Each person in the class experienced it differently, but all felt the merging, and the love, and the light. And that they were not alone. If I do the journey again, it will probably be different, or show me different things. And your journey will show you different things too. But I do see, that it is about love.
So make sure you do all those things which you love here, and to truly love, here.
That seems like the cosmic plan.
Oh, and compassion. Lots of it.
Helena Mazzariello/Spiritinjoy copyright 2018
I leave you with these beautiful quotes...
"You will lose everything. Your money, your power, your fame, your success, perhaps even your memories. Your looks will go. Loved ones will die. Your body will fall apart. Everything that seems permanent is impermanent and will be smashed. Experience will gradually, or not so gradually, strip away everything that it can strip away. Waking up means facing this reality with open eyes and no longer turning away.
But right now, we stand on sacred and holy ground, for that which will be lost has not yet been lost, and realizing this is the key to unspeakable joy. Whoever or whatever is in your life right now has not yet been taken away from you. This may sound trivial, obvious, like nothing, but really it is the key to everything, the why and how and wherefore of existence. Impermanence has already rendered everything and everyone around you so deeply holy and significant and worthy of your heartbreaking gratitude.
Loss has already transfigured your life into an altar."
-Jeff Foster
"Ring the bell that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack, in everything. That's how the light gets in."
- Leonard Cohen