I use this tool all the time, and it works. It is also like taking a stick and stirring up the bottom of the pond. All your fears, limiting beliefs, bubble up to the surface. So do other peoples energies, fears, judgements, and considerations. Haha! What was once so clean and clear, just became murky, and a bit stinky, too!
We do a great meditation in our online class, on getting past our stuff to have what we want.
The first step is going into a deep, relaxing meditation in a safe place. While cleaning our chakra and aura, we declutter our space, releasing old stuff, like unconscious energies, extra stuff that sits in the way of the goals we have for ourselves. Usually there is a limiting belief, or a fear that holds us back. We explore that fear, admit to ourselves that it is not true (or not as important to us as our goal is), and release some of the charge that it has on us.
Returning now to the goal, and start to see it as already done. Just like the Words in the beginning of this blog...BELIEVE.
Seeing yourself as if you already have it.
AAHHHH! (Aren't you happy? Proud of yourself? Blissed out? Yay!
We do our work, while in deep meditation, in our workshop, our "command central" right behind our eyes, in the center of our head. Inside, our spirit has access to all of our parts, and our body feels good, and safe, that we are home, and healing ourselves.
So while we are looking at our drawing board, or flat screen, or chalkboard, (however you wish to work) we place the limiting belief, or fear, on the left side of a horizontal line, and the goal on the right side of that line, (with all the juicy pictures of our success!). On the line that connects them, we have a few notches, with stepping stones to getting there. These are the PHYSICAL STEPS you need to take, after doing the energy work. Before we look at them, we are reminded that we can ask for help.
Yes. We can ask for help from our guides, from the Angels, and Archangels. You can ask for help from God/Goddess/all that is, from your own higher self, or your own I AM presence. Ask for guidance. Ask for synchronicity, in getting past your block, and out of your comfort zone, to what it is you truly desire. Ask for help in the form of friends, and kind strangers! Ask for help with your feelings of how much you deserve; your self esteem, your self worth. Do you truly feel you deserve to have it? Do you need to forgive someone, even yourself, for something to clear your path? (What's love got to do , got to do with it? It has a lot to do with it; more self love does help push past the fears.) As you ask for help from your guides, Angels, and Higher Self, remember to ask for courage, humor, effortlessness, and certainty. These are all very good things to have as you take your next step, which are the physical steps. Depending on what your goal is, they can be an array of:
Making that initial phone call, or e-mail. Feeling embarrassed, and red faced, but doing it anyway. Learning all you can about it, looking at all sides of it. Memorizing it. Driving past it. Calling friends for help, or to be your accountability buddy. Practice. Practice. Practice. Talk to others who have already done it. Do some practice runs, in your head. Pushing yourself that little bit extra. Excellent self talk, before, and validation afterwards. Being proud of yourself! Showing up.Being courageous. Being present. Being responsible. Allowing other people to be upset at you, for changing the game. Allowing other people to go through their changes; their fears, and their resistance. Allowing yourself to go through your own fears, your anger, your own uncertainties, and holding your own hand through it. Being your own best friend, even when you are whining. Allowing others to help you. Allowing it to come through unplanned sources, people, events.
Be grateful.
Be afraid.
Just do it.
All the small steps, and some of the big ones, will give you strength, confidence, and definitely experience! Your goal will manifest, and getting out of your comfort zone is the key.
Now that we have explored what our own personal physical next steps will be, and have asked for help, we are almost done with our energy work meditation. We glance back at the goal, the physical steps, and then back to the original fear, or limiting belief. From this new, stronger perspective, we say hello to that fear, acknowledge it, and then strip it of its power. I like to crack mine, like a raw egg, or explode it, but you may have your own method, like letting all the air out of a balloon, or lighting it on fire. Pull you energy out of it, and let it be just a shell, that had its reason, at one time.
Last, but not least, gather up all of the pictures you have been working on, with all of your energy, especially your goal realized, and bring it above your head, ask for a blessing on it. Color this energy however you wish, add some love, courage, whatever you may need, and shower this lovely mockup into the top of your head, and let it melt down into your whole space, all of your body (even your cells, and the space between your cells), and let it seep into your aura as well.
Take your time coming out of the meditation, wiggle your toes, take a deep breath, pat yourself on the back, and open your eyes.
Now that you've done the energy work, the foundation, the rest will be a breeze...divinely guided!
Love, light, and humor filled courage to you!
I invite you to take an online class sometime, and learn more of these great tools!
~Helena Mazzariello