Good psychic health demands a level of self-honesty, and it requires that you look at how you are showing up in your world. Your personal physical boundaries and limits mirror your psychic ones. And your professional ones. What is in your energetic field, and why? Are you creating your reality from your own set of limits? Nothing outside of you will transmute the patterns inside of you. Change is an inside job, and it is a process.
For a moment, close your eyes, and imagine that you have a control panel in front of you, like a dashboard of a car. It can have a gauge for each chakra, it can have an energy level (like a gas tank) it can have a level for your havingness (how much you think you deserve), or for your protections, or how much you are giving your energy away to others (by healing them, or resisting them, or perhaps they are cording you). Imagine that you can have access to this dashboard, whenever you need. You can just look at it when you need, and make any necessary adjustments. This is an incredible spirit tool for your toolbox, and will give you the information to keep you healthy. It will also train you, as to your weak points, and bad habits, like taking on another’s pain.
It doesn’t help either of you to do that.
A person who is a psychic, or healer that takes on the other person’s pain and feels the need to “fix” them is known as a “sick psychic”. These people don’t have good boundaries, and it is best to stay at a distance. If you are not one, but feel too much, or “see” too much, this is for you.
So many of my friends, clients, colleagues are highly intuitive, and deeply care for others, for the planet. They are (we are) very sensitive. Highly sensitive. We want to help others, fix others, especially if we are healers, or parents, caregivers, etc. We feel the pain of others, even the pain of an animal, entire family, group or community. Sometimes, if you add to that mix being of an empath, intuitive, or clairsentient, it can make you codependent, it can take you out of your body, make you feel so much, that it’s just too much. It can make you want to fix the other, to stop the pain.
It could be that you were a very sensitive child, and felt all the emotions around you, in your family.
For many people, the use of your “Clairs”*, especially your feeling, or clairsentience, could have been the means your little body used to stay safe, to stay alive. Unfortunately, in many dysfunctional, or abusive, families, perhaps with parents who were alcohol or drug dependent, or mentally unstable, it was an extremely important tool to judge what was really happening, so you could make your choice in how to act, what to say, how to be.
Perhaps, having those boundaries (psychic feelers on full blast, being responsible for another’s emotional issues to make yourself safe was the best you could do at the time, with those tools. You needed to stay alive, you needed to be loved, and you had no other choice.
And, in so many ways, as humans, this is a healthy trait; caring for loved ones, staying safe, feeling your friend’s pain can make you a better friend, as to have more compassion, or be there for them.
Some aspect of it is creating healthy boundaries for yourself, both your energetic space, and also what you see and feel.
It could be not taking responsibility for other’s problems, or the things you sense.
I see this as a technical problem, like a plumbing problem, and I teach people how to turn down their lower chakra, when being clairvoyant, in my psychic skills classes.
A powerful thing to do, as you are just waking up, is to set the energy dials of your day.
Just like the volume dial on a radio. Slowly. It can be that simple.
Another way, can be to envision your chakra like the aperture of a camera, how it opens and closes. You can, with intention, slowly open, or close your chakra.
Be aware, that you have an internal dashboard, a control panel, where you can do this.
For many, it is to close down the body chakra, to disengage from another person’s ego game, or power struggle. To feel less, or to not be in survival mode, (that would be the first chakra). You may see your energy field and kick someone out, or put up better boundaries. You have you Angels and guides to help you calibrate your space, remember. Use your spirit tools.
For those who are psychic, or intuitive (I think we all are) it could be a nightmare if you had a constant stream of information coming in.
It could make you crazy, if you did not know about the control panel. And, seeing something, and being responsible for it, are two different things.
It’s funny to me, because that is one of my paths as well, and yet, I have much better boundaries. I may see some things, but I also have the ability to turn it down, or turn it off, if need be.
I don’t think I have to help every suffering soul, or angry stuck being.
I certainty don’t stop everything, to help them, (driving fast in my SUV to relentlessly warn the parents, who never asked for my help, of a deceased child who needs assistance crossing over). In each episode of the show, she completes the task, of helping the being to the light, and handling everything, and usually, her business, her friends, and her life, suffer the consequences. She makes a great TV show, but she is known as a sick psychic, in that she has absolutely no emotional, or spiritual boundaries, and doesn’t know she has a control panel, and her sovereignty, to say no, to turn down her third eye, or to help others without being responsible for the world of the dead.
The ability to say no to healing others (healing meaning taking their stuff in, over-feeling other’s pain, being at the effect of other beings to the point where you are not being sovereign, where you are not in control, is having healthy boundaries.
Having those boundaries keeps you sane, and allows you to heal yourself. Actually, the process of using this dashboard tool can help both areas of your life. If you are co-dependent in your human relationships, you will tend to have lousy spirit boundaries too. As you heal one, you heal the other.
Having those boundaries allows you to heal yourself.
You heal yourself when you have healthy boundaries.
You are not the one responsible to fix other people’s problems, even if as a child, you did that, or in an unhealthy relationship, you did that.
Having and keeping Good boundaries is a healthy way to be in the world, and it is also a spiritual tool. Having healthy boundaries is a psychic tool. It allows you to choose how you wish to run the energy in your space, instead of being at the effect of others.
You can still have compassion, while saying no.
You can still love others, and not take on their stuff.
You can still be a good psychic, or healer, and turn it off at the end of the day, just the way you flip the “closed” sign on a store window.
Some of the psychics I know just see random crisis, events about to happen, or evil, when they are just living their lives, or, they may hear people’s thoughts. Some see crimes, before they are committed. I sometimes get a flash of an insight, or a picture. I acknowledge it, and then ask myself, or my guides, if that is my problem. If it is not, I move it out of my space, without putting my energy into it. Or, delegate it, to the supreme being, or the Angels, to help.
In no way am I responsible. I can actually turn down my Clairs, if the energy is too intense, if I am driving, or if it is just not my stuff, but a client in crisis, for example.
At the extreme, someone having a psychotic breakdown does that. They have no control over the dials in their energetic dashboard, and the switches are all on full blast.
You are not an extreme case, you just need to understand and use the tool of your control panel. Sometimes, grounding, and flushing out those Clairs* can release the foreign energy that could have climbed in.
If you are not managing that panel, someone else can be playing around with it.
It could be a client who wants you to feel sorry for her, and wants a longer reading. It could be a being without a body, which needs or wants your help (remember the Ghost Whisperer lady?)
Perhaps you are sensing something important, and you need to thank your clairs*, do what needs doing, and turn them down to what is comfortable for you at the time.
Your boundaries as a body, and in the physical world also translate into the spirit world, and those who are shamanic practitioners, psychics, or healers understand. Your healthy boundaries tolerate certain things, and experiences, both in the body, and on the astral plane.
Just as you have human boundaries, you have clear and healthy spirit boundaries. You always have your angels, your spirit helpers, and spirit guides to assist you, with protections, or as a gatekeeper (allowing only certain things into your field, certain energies, frequencies, etc. They also can safely help you with experiences to help you learn.
* Clairs are your natural ability to make sense of this world, besides your physical eyes and ears. They are your clairsentience, feeling, your gut feeling, your clairaudience, hearing, your clairvoyance, clear seeing, and Clair cognizance, clear knowing. You also have Clair persuasion. (I know my cat has that, Lol!)
Thank you for being you, with your big loving heart. We are all growing, learning, as light keepers for this beautiful planet of ours. Please give this article a "like", or share it with someone who may appreciate this energy tool. Gentle blessings, all.
HelenaMazzariello/Spiritinjoy copyright 2019